---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Open-Source-LENR-reactor
To: Guenter Wildgruber <gwildgru...@ymail.com>

Hi Guenter,

I am convinced that Rydberg matter is the causative factor in cold fusion.
The study of Rydberg matter in its various forms is a very new field in

Rydberg matter is a generalized term for a large variety of exotic forms of
matter that sometimes appears in nature which can overcome the coulomb
barrier in many cases.

The key to building a successful cold fusion reactor is to understand what
Rydberg matter is and how to reliably produce it in abundance and at a high
excitation level.

Rydberg matter is a generalize term used to clasify Rydberg atoms, Rydberg
molecules, one dimensional Rydberg crystals, the two dimensional liquid
crystal forms, and the three dimensional solid crystal forms.

What makes Rydberg matter work is that it is a source of a coherent
electrostactic dipole field that can overcome the coulomb barrier.

Just like a magnet can exert magnetic force by aligning all the aggregate
spins of  all its constituent sub-atomic particles in the same direction,
Rydberg matter aligns all the electrostatic dipole forces of its many
constituent atoms in its crystal structure in the same direction and in a
coherent way.

In magnetism, this coherence of the quantum mechanical magnetic dipole
moment is the measure of the magnetic strength of a magnet.

In like manner, this quantum mechanical electrostatic dipole moment is the
measure of the strength of a Rydberg crystal.

In an ordinary molecule, the dipole forces of the constituent atoms are
aligned at random. In Rydberg matter, these dipole moments all point in the
same direction and have the same wavelength.

All the atoms in the crystal work together electrostatically to produce a
strong electrostatic field just like the aligned nuclear spins in a magnet
create a magnetic field.

Various forms of Rydberg matter have been created by simple chemical action
as in the experiments and demos of Mills and Arata. Also transmutation in
living systems are most likely caused by chemically generated Rydberg
matter. The excitation level of Rydberg matter is low in these systems and
they produce transmutation reactions in a gentle way.

Ed Storms says that only a relatively few nuclear active areas on the
electrodes of a Fleischmann–Pons apparatus produce the cold fusion effect.
This is due to the imbedding of Rydberg crystals in each of these areas,
after they have been created by an electric spark.

Rydberg matter can be formed by many different types of elements and even
complex molecules. This has confused many workers in the cold fusion field
because it is not the element that is important but it is the way that the
matter is organized that is causative.

Just like many elements can be used to form a magnet, it is the alignment
of spin that makes a magnet functional. So too in Rydberg matter it is the
alignment of dipole moments among the atoms in the Rydberg crystal that are

And just like magnetic material, there are strong Rydberg elements and weak

In subsequent posts, I will go through various old cold fusion experiments
and look at them in the context of Rydberg matter causation. This will give
insight in how to form Rydberg matter in a high temperature environment,
how it behaves, and how to control it.

Regards, Axil

On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 1:19 PM, Guenter Wildgruber

>   ------------------------------
> post #4
> Not being a chemist or nuclear chemist, I have a difficult time to
> understand the role of catalysts, above that, that they ease CHEMICAL
> reactions.
> In the domain of nuclear reactions the role of catalysts is more difficult
> to understand.
> How eg can a chemical agent be so potent, that it helps overcome the
> Coulomb barrier?
> Sorry, but maybe I’m too simpleminded here.
> The role of catalysts in this context has a sausage-like appeal to me.
> The clean method would be, to have a nano-lattice (say 5nm Ni particles)
> on the one side, and Protons (ionized H) on the other side, and help them
> interact via an electric or electromagnetic field. It is basically the
> lattice and its nonlinear oscillatory states, who do the heavy lifting of
> overcoming the coulomb barrier.
> My naïve interpretation would be, that this can never be done by a
> chemical agent, ie catalyst.
> So the basic setup would be a a Ni-H+ environment, assisted by EM-fields,
> which assist in interaction.
> If that does not start a LENR-process, one has in lockstep to vary the
> conditions together with the theory.
> It does not help to senselessly add ingredients , like the alchemists did,
> and add a bit of hopium.
> This is not to say that intuition does not play a significant role, which
> it obviously does.

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