On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Guenter Wildgruber
<gwildgru...@ymail.com> wrote:
> post #3
> intermediate note.
> The case of Case.
> He is definitely not your typical scientist.
> He is/was a practitioner with >30years experience, and as such one does not
> so much rely on theory but on intuition.
> What works and not is more in your bones and not in your head.
> This makes a difference, because this is not peer-reviewable, and reveals a
> fundamental problem of peer-reviewed scientific method: That it scraps
> intuition altogether and replaces it by a mechanical method of
> intersubjective verification, where all the intricate details are put under
> the rug of the method.
> The fight is about those accepting some sort of sublime, and those who build
> up knowledge up from the robust, i.e. the hard skeptics.
> What the hard skeptics miss, is, that their axioms -ie Occam- are on shaky
> ground, or more to the point: Occam does not have a foundation in 'reality'.

I think occam's razor is useful for selecting explanatory axioms which
emerge from a given philosphical outlook or paradigm, but it is a
ridiculous basis for evaluating and comparing explanations which
emerge from different paradigms.

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