
See what hydride ion (proton and 2 electrons) looks like when locked into Ni lattice here; Now oscillate by reversing the magnetic vector using a RFG.

Last year I saved this ortiz clip as possible source of parts if I ever decided to put something together.

"Achieved Rossi replication. Procedure:
1. Approximated apparatus with parts purchased from:
2. Purchased band heater from:
3. Thermal couple and accessories from:
4. Loaded reaction chamber with Ni coated Cu nano powder from:
and Fe powder from:
5. Cu fittings brazed. Manipulations in glove box. RFG Radionics Radio Frequency Lesion Generator RFG-4
Duplicated Rossi results with COP 6 and still creating steam after 5 days.

H2 pressure release ends reaction.

Hope this helps you. Reply unnecessary.

Ortiz "

Suggest you read Wladimir Guglinski Quantum Ring Theory which clearly explains away that extra energy which the Guys here love to expound about. I like to stare at the Chan image and imagine it oscillating between two mirrors.

Another quote from Vortex which may clarify the concept: "it was pointed out by someone the importance of Fe powder influenced by RFG to both align Ni lattice structure and oscillate the hydride ion into such a state to neutralize the Zitterbewegung helical energy, thus reducing the barrier allowing a neutron to fuse with the nucleus leaving an electron in the hydride space. "

Yes, yes, "cavity photons". A rose by any other name .............

Welcome to the greatest age about to begin.

The Positive Man

Eric Walker wrote:
That's fantastic.

I'm a complete amateur, so I have to ask for clarification -- is the phenomenon behind the tunneling of en electron through a semiconductor, as described in the article, the same one involved in the quantum tunneling of an electron into a proton?  Or are the two processes completely different, operating at different scales?  The article is describing the tuning of the rate of tunneling of electrons using "cavity photons."

What is the wavelength of the photons being used in the experiment being discussed, and what is its relationship to the energy barrier being overcome?  What happens if you increase the wavelength significantly?


On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Ron Wormus <> wrote:

According to team leader, Professor Jeremy Baumberg, "the trick to telling electrons how to pass through walls, is to now marry them with light."
This marriage is fated because the light is in the form of cavity photons, packets of light trapped to bounce back and forth between mirrors which sandwich the electrons oscillating through their wall.


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