If what was reported by LeClair actually happened, which is substantially in doubt, no independent account has come to light, and LeClair's reports are full of unsupported and wild theoretical interpretations shallow on actual experimental evidence, this would not be LENR at all, but bubble fusion.

Bubble fusion is hot fusion, and would produce the normal hot fusion radiation. Indeed, neutron production has been the alleged sign of it, in what reports we have.

It should be easy to scale the "LeClair effect" down in order to avoid danger. LeClair reportedly creates bubbles using a laser and focuses the collapse energy on a target, so he can readily control the number of reaction opportunities. From the Nanospire reports of energy release, massive radiation would be expected. If he exposed himself and his partner to such radiation, as he claims, it was quite foolish. I.e., they were unprepared for success, while trying to demonstrate it.

Even less can be concluded from the Nanospire reports than from the reports from Rossi and Defkalion. In the latter case, at least, there were independent witnesses to alleged power generation, though no independent confirmation (i.e., fraud or puffery remain possible). And it would be LENR, if real.

At 03:49 PM 5/25/2012, Alan J Fletcher wrote:
At 12:41 PM 5/25/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Alan J Fletcher <<>> wrote:
Any other links to "labs blowing up" and "window melting" ?
I don't know about windows melting.

There's also :

Re: [Vo]:the desktop supernova - The Mail Archive

Points to :


2/22/12: A new NanoSprire <>press release states: "Nanospire has announced that its investigative study on fusion created by cavitation in water has come to an end."

It's good that they have stopped testing for now. During the nuclear fusion reaction that occurred when they did their test, "Hundreds of wave trains and vortices appeared everywhere and are permanently burned into walls, objects and trees surrounding the lab."

[ All references to that quote come back to this pieeconomics blog ]

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