Rossi has no shame.

next time around , what else will he promise?
Offer moon travels for $100 per trip, based on revolutionary LENR propulsion?
No money needed = no scam.

And you believe that?

I believe in LENR but not in Rossi, and feel embarrassed by his phony claims.

NASA reveals that it has an annual budget of 220K$ on LENR, whereas Rossi  
already is in outer space.

How dumb can one be to believe that Rossi found the holy grail?

Next time Rossi phantasises something about travelling through wormholes to get 
COP infinity without any theory.
Who needs a theory nowadays anyway?

Not Rossi, to be sure,
He just blathers out some nonsense and every 'believer' believes that.

He is a freerider on a decent concept, and adds to it his nonsense, and thus 
destroys it!

Next time he hangs below a bridge somewhere in Rome near the Vatican, then gets 
beatification, then saint-LENR, or what?

Please come to your senses!

Rossi will never prove anything, and he knows that.
So there is no limit to his promises, because he is dead on arrival already.
He is an 'Ego' gone wild.

Wish I were wrong, but this is what makes the most sense to me.

I bet 1000$ that Rossi has nothing to offer but hot air until june-2013, to set 
an arbitrary time-limit.

Sorry folks.


 Von: noone noone <>
An: "" <> 
Gesendet: 20:50 Donnerstag, 7.Juni 2012
Betreff: [Vo]:The Ridiculous Demand for Excessive E-Cat Proof

This is from a posting on E-Cat World.....

The Ridiculous Demand for Excessive E-Cat Proof

I enjoyed following the E-Cat saga in the year 2011. Although I still enjoy 
following it to this day (things are really getting exciting with 600C steam), 
last year was particularly interesting. Just about every month there was a new 
TEST of an E-Cat. Each test seemed to utilize a new scientist, a new design of 
E-Cat, or a new test method. The conclusion after each of these tests was that 
the E-Cat worked, and produced a huge amount of excess power. Both tests with 
steam and tests with hot water as an output confirmed the huge amount of excess 
energy produced. It was also calculated that the huge amount of excess power 
could not have been produced by any non-nuclear, hidden power source.

 the tests continued, things got more and more exciting as the test of the one 
megawatt plant neared. That test also turned out to be a success. It was 
conducted according to the guidelines of the engineer (with 30 years of 
experience in thermodynamic systems) chosen by the military customer. The one 
megawatt E-Cat plant ended up producing almost 500 kilowatts of power for 
several hours. What was even more exciting, was that the customer's consulting 
engineer signed off on the results. He agreed the test was a success. The only 
negative he noted was that there were a few leaking gaskets.

To any reasonable person, the tests in 2011 were proof that the E-Cat 
technology was capable of producing large amounts of excess energy via novel 
nuclear reactions. However, for multiple reasons, certain individuals tried to 
belittle the technology. Some went so far as to claim all the tests were 
failures, and that Andrea Rossi was a fraud. They spread the
 disinformation via interviews, blog posts, articles on their websites, and 
comments on various blogs. they tried to create every problem they could to 
come up with an explanation convincing enough to make people doubt that the 
E-Cat was real and worked. 

Now, some of these individuals may have been honest skeptics who for some 
reason thought Andrea Rossi was conning innocent people. However, I think the 
most vocal of the critics had a specific agenda to discredit the E-Cat 
technology. In my opinion, it was because some of them were competitors. By 
dismissing and attacking the E-Cat technology far and wide (over and over 
again) some people would start to question the success of the tests. Sadly, 
their efforts worked to a degree, and many people were influenced by the 

To this day, there are individuals who are calling for Rossi to perform 
additional tests. I am all for additional tests, but the problem is that they 
are claiming
 the previous tests were not open, did not have third party scientists present, 
and for multiple reasons were not valid. This is very far from the truth.

Actually, many scientists and engineers participated in the tests of the E-Cat. 
Just a few that come to mind are Christos Stremmenos, Dr. Focardi, Dr. Levi, 
Mats Lewan, and the engineering consultant of the military customer. There were 
many others too, I just cannot remember them off the top of my head. These 
third party scientists watched the tests, observed the tests, took 
measurements, were involved in how the test was conducted, calculated the 
input/output, and did the math to determine the results. To say that no third 
party tests have been performed is simply not accurate. In addition to the 
public tests, there were private tests as well. The DOD, DOE, Ampenergo, and 
Defkalion all performed successful tests of E-Cats. 

Yes, perhaps there has not been a test in which an E-Cat was
 placed in an underground lab, filled with the top scientists from a hundred 
universities around the world testing it for weeks or months. However, it has 
been tested over and over again by qualified individuals. We have the results 
of many of these tests, and they prove the E-Cat works.

However, all the tests in 2011 are not good enough for some individuals. They 
want new extensive tests of the E-Cat, because they cannot accept that the 
previous tests show the E-Cat works. I think that there is nothing wrong with 
wanting additional tests, but demanding them to "prove" the E-Cat works is an 
excessive demand for proof.

There is a mindset out there -- inspired by some of the worst cynics on this 
planet -- that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This idea 
is false, ridiculous, and absurd. A claim of something extraordinary can be 
proven with the same amount of evidence as a claim of something that is not 
extraordinary. If you
 want to test a car with an internal combustion engine to see if it works you 
can put gasoline in it, drive a few miles, and easily determine the vehicle 
works. To prove a cold fusion powered car worked there would be no reason to do 
anything different. However, the cynics would have someone drive the cold 
fusion powered car ten thousand miles before they admitted it "may" work.

As I have said before, there is more than a reasonable amount of proof that the 
E-Cat works, and produces huge amounts of excess energy via novel nuclear 
reactions. I just can't see how any reasonable person can think otherwise when 
it has been tested repeatedly, has been tested by multiple scientists, has been 
tested by multiple companies, and of course nickel-hydrogen cold fusion has 
been proven as a real phenomenon for well over ten years. 

The following are a few of the thoughts I have had when considering the 
evidence in support of the E-Cat technology. Maybe
 they will benefit some of the honest skeptics (there are many) that simply are 
sitting on the fence. I do realize that nothing will change those competitors 
and cynics who have an agenda. 


1) EXISTING TECH - Nickel-Hydrogen fusion is a real phenomenon that was proven 
before Rossi came along. It is not like it is a totally new concept. There have 
been many tests of Ni-H systems before the E-Cat was invented, but none of them 
could produce practical amounts of power. Actually, it is pretty easy to 
produce excess energy with Ni-H systems, but the output is usually small.

2) MULTIPLE SCIENTISTS INVOLVED - There have been countless tests of the E-Cat 
by many different scientists and engineers. I refuse to believe that these 
scientists and engineers from many different parts of the world, from many 
different universities, and with years of experience could all be totally wrong 
about the E-Cat.

 types of test performed were different from each other. Not only one type of 
test was performed. Some tests utilized the production of steam, and others 
utilized the production of hot water (phase change verses no phase change). 
Large gains of energy were detected in both types of tests. 

4) SELF SUSTAINING OPERATION - In many tests the E-Cat self sustained for 
extended periods of time with almost ZERO INPUT WHATSOEVER. Kilowatts of output 
were produced with perhaps a hundred watts or less of input power, which was 
only used to power the radio frequency generators, sensors, etc. This is simply 
phenomenal. In one test Dr. Levi produced an average of 15 kilowatts of output 
for 18 hours with only about 100 watts of input power. At one point, the output 
spiked up to 120 kilowatts, and the output had to be reduced.

5) DIFFERENT MODELS ALL WORK - Different sizes, shapes, and types of E-Cat 
units were tested. The first E-Cat units were large,
 with a reactor core of one liter. Then smaller ones were made with reactor 
cores of 50cc. these were tested as well, and proven to work. Later on, the 
modules for the one megawatt plant were built that utilized flat plate reactor 
cores. They also produced excess power. It seems like every design of E-Cat 
just works, despite the changes made.

6) OUTSIDE COMPANIES CONFIRM RESULTS - Multiple companies tested the E-Cat and 
have admitted it worked as claimed. This includes Defkalion, Ampenergo, and the 
military customer. Also, I know that the DOE and DOD have performed or at least 
participated in tests that showed huge gains of energy.  

7) NO REASON TO LIE - Andrea Rossi is risking his reputation, career, financial 
well being, and future on this technology. He has sold everything he has to 
support the development of the E-Cat, and would be literally throwing his life 
away if it did not work. In addition, he would be risking the future of
 his wife and family.

8) HOME E-CATS EXIST - Certain scientists have reported seeing the home E-Cat 
units that are being tested, and they claim they are totally stable and work 
great. They are not fictional or made up. They are being developed and are 
headed towards the market place.

9) TRANSMUTATION PRODUCTS  - Samples of the material from inside of the E-Cat 
have been tested and determined to contain copper, when none should be present. 
The metal the reactor core is made out of is a kind of steel that does not 
contain copper, and there is no where else for the copper to come from.

10) DEFKALION'S CLAIMS - I don't like writing or speaking about Defkalion, but 
they claim to have produced large amounts of excess heat utilizing nickel and 
hydrogen. I do not think they are anywhere close to producing the amounts of 
excess heat the E-Cat has produced, but I think their experiments (if verified) 
provide additional confirmation for
 Ni-H fusion. Of course we have zero proof they have produced any excess heat 
at all, because they refuse to post test results.

around for over ten years, it is only since Andrea Rossi allowed the first test 
of the E-Cat that a new wave of companies are emerging and making claims. It 
seems that since the E-Cat came on the scene, Ni-H fusion has became extremely 
popular. Also, I know by first hand experience there are competitors that are 
going around trying to attack the E-Cat, slander Rossi, and promote their own 
company's research. Their own words make it clear that they think the E-Cat 
works, but they want to figure out how it works so they can claim it as their 


To any reasonable person, I think there is more than enough proof to conclude 
that the E-Cat works as claimed. To say we need more proof that the E-Cat works 
is being cynical. Some healthy
 amount of critical thinking is a good thing, but demanding even MORE proof 
when you already have an abundance is downright silly.

The one thing holding this technology up from being accepted by the mainstream 
media is not the need for more evidence, but excessive skepticism. Those who 
have been manipulated by the competitors and cynics who have attempted to 
"muddy the waters" are now making the situation even worse. However, the good 
news is that the MARKET will settle this issue, and when the E-Cats are being 
sold across the USA the truth will be obvious to everyone.

What I am looking forward to is the data from the extended test of the new high 
temp E-Cat that produces 600C steam. Although I am already convinced that the 
E-Cat works, this data will be exciting to study.

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