noone noone wrote:

You should specify that you think the tests were inadequate to show detailed measurements, but not inadequate to show that large amounts of excess energy were produced.

That is what I said! Right here:

The tests were also inadequate insofar as they did not convince the public, or many experts. That was deliberate. Rossi went out of his way to do piss-poor, unconvincing tests. He also made it a rule that other people would not be allowed to bring instruments. He told me that is his policy. When he invited me to observe an experiment, he made it quite clear that he would use lousy instruments and he would not allow me to use industry standard ones. That is why I did not go.

Rossi does not want many people to think his claims are real. Jim Patterson and Reding had exactly the same strategy. They wanted to convince a few people at Motorola, while giving the impression to the rest of the world that they had nothing. They told me that was their strategy. They wanted the whole market to themselves. "100% market share" as Reding put it. He and Patterson went to their graves clutching their precious 100% -- 100% of NOTHING.

In that case, I actually went to their demonstration, carrying reasonably good instruments. They told me I could not use them. They would only allow their own ridiculous instruments, which were even worse than Rossi's. I told them that if I cannot use my own instruments to verify the readings, I would go back to Atlanta immediately and report to the world that they invited me and then reneged. They thought about it for a while and then decided to let me measure temperatures and flow after all. I published a report which they then used in their advertisements. Without even asking!

I did not need to measure their input power, which is fortunate, because there was no proper meter in the room. They were using an itty-bitty old-fashioned Radio Shack transformer. I had one just like it and I knew how much power it could produce. It got very hot above 6 W and I am sure it would melt at ~20 W. The cell produced ~1 kW at times. The calorimetry was so awful it is impossible to know within 10% what the power level was but there was no doubt it was far above input.

I do not understand what it is about these people. They seem to think it is against the rules to use proper instruments. It is not cricket or something. They also think that to practice beforehand "spoils the fun" as Michael Flanders put it.

George Miley was there. He turned to me and said something like, "why is this such an amateur setup, with lousy instruments?" I said "ask Dennis (Cravens)" who was dragooned into setting up the test, on a laughably small budget. I knew perfectly well they were doing it in a half-assed way. Patterson was a millionaire but he did not want to spend a few thousand bucks to do it right. As I said, it was not to save the money, but to preserve his damned 100% market share. Rossi is the same way. He can't bear to think that someone else might make a decision, design a product or otherwise benefit from his invention. He would rather deprive the world of this and die in poverty than allow anyone else to touch it. He reminds me of the Russian peasant in the parable. An angel appears before him says: "I will give you anything your heart desires!" The peasant is overjoyed, singing and praising God, until the angel adds: "With one condition. Whatever I give you, I will give twice that to your neighbor." The peasant stops singing, thinks for a moment, and says: "Then put out my eye!"

- Jed

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