Hi Mark,
Clarification please, you wrote:
"...such that  the effects of the equal and opposite zones are prevented from 
R U referring here to a polarization of the vacuum as well, creating a dipole 
of some sort?
Not a dipole but rather an accumulation and segregation of like "spacetime 
micro-curvature effects'" into regions bounded by the lattice geometry or in 
the extreme the Casimir cavity where I posit the concentrated suppression 
inside the cavity must be balanced by a shallow compression distributed across 
the exterior plate surfaces where the area -intensity  products are equal. Gas 
atoms exposed equally to both regions might cancel the effects but I suspect 
that nature and geometry cause gas atoms to be exposed in a biased manner that 
leads to anomalies.

And this:
"It's all about the segregation of these 'spacetime micro-curvature effects' 
mentioned by Nickisch and Mollere."
I think these spacetime micro crvatures are a mesoscopic example of the 
wormholes theorized to exist at the quantum foam scale but brought  up to this 
scale by interaction with the lattice that organizes and segregates them into 
repeating space-time regions that vary with geometry based on suppression -  to 
some extent there is a casimir force holding bulk metals and powders together 
in layers even when solid the "suppression"  is there holding the bulk together 
even if the "layers" are real or just imaginary. So it's not electrical dipoles 
but you have polarization of the suppression levels wherever the isotropy is 
broken - lattices or more so in Casimir cavities. It may lead to the dipole 
effects you mention later when h+ is introduced to this lattice environment ... 
we are all beating in the same bushes but when you start exchanging space and 
time the effect on mass and other metrics starts to become gibberish / 
conflictive..you almost need to state your perspective in front of every metric 
or someone will come along and show you to be wrong from their perspective... 
inertia , equivalence, time dilation and rydberg matter may all be just a 
matter of perspective from different suppression levels.


From: MarkI-ZeroPoint [mailto:zeropo...@charter.net]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2012 2:20 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:FYI: ZPF-inertia work applied to subatomic 
particles; spatial harmonic resonances

Hi Fran...

What I like about their work, especially the recent stuff, is that it is based 
on a physical model.. a physical reality, and not just abstract math.

Clarification please, you wrote:
"...such that  the effects of the equal and opposite zones are prevented from 
R U referring here to a polarization of the vacuum as well, creating a dipole 
of some sort?

And this:
"It's all about the segregation of these 'spacetime micro-curvature effects' 
mentioned by Nickisch and Mollere."

Again, segregation would imply a separation or concentration of 
<what-ever-the-space-fabric-is> into a nonhomogenous state, at least at a 
microscopic/nanoscopic level.  In my visual model, this separation then sets up 
local 'fields' which impart forces onto subatomic particles.  At a large scale 
these fields manifest as the electric and magnetic fields.  Again, I feel 
strongly that we could easily come up with better models if we started from 
scratch and only considered models which i ncorporated some physical reality to 

I recently posted a msg to the Collective on just such a model which is very 
similar to mine, but which has been developed and more importantly described, 
to a much greater extent.  It is still basically a qualitative model, but at 
least it explains numerous phenomena with a logical physical model; physical 


For you theoretical types, I think it's worth the read...


From: Roarty, Francis X [mailto:francis.x.roa...@lmco.com]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2012 6:23 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: RE: [Vo]:FYI: ZPF-inertia work applied to subatomic particles; spatial 
harmonic resonances

                Nice  choice of citations,  I believe Haisch and Rueda  got it 
right but the connection drawn by Nickisch and Mollere (2002):  zero-point 
fluctuations give rise to spacetime micro-curvature effects yielding the origin 
of inertia  could, in fact should  have gone further.... I think the wormholes 
described at the quantum foam level can be responsible for most of the 
anomalous claims we are discussing on vortex, from superconductivity to 
modification of decay rates, Casimir effect and unexplained spectrum shifts.  
What we call isotropic space time is only a macro effect that can actually be 
segregated to different levels by matter and geometry - not giving anything for 
nothing but isolating equal and opposing regions of space time that average out 
to what we consider isotropic -   the Nature paper indicates the space-time is 
modified by the lattice but I would posit the material exposed to these regions 
must be chosen to have a biased preference for one geometry over another such 
that  the effects of the equal and opposite zones are prevented from cancelling 
and we get these opposing claims of decay modification from different 
researches using different lattices or gases.

                I posit the lattice equates to the Haisch Rueda abstract 
...[snip] in accelerated reference frames results in a force that appears to 
account for inertia [/snip]  but,  velocity relative to a perpendicular ether 
isn't needed - instead the "equivalent" velocity of the ether we perceive as C 
is directly modified through suppression [taken to extreme Casimir effect] and 
results in a much simpler way to modify the Pythagorean relationship between V 
and C .... In a Puthoff atomic model I think this "standard" relationship 
between matter and C is what establishes the periodic relationship of elements. 
This is why this paper in Nature needs the lattice to create both heavy and 
speedy electrons and why Rossi and Mills need the lattice to create 
relativistic hydrogen [call them hydrinos or inverse Rydberg hydrogen no 
matter] - It's all about the segregation of these "spacetime micro-curvature 
effects" mentioned by Nickisch and Mollere. - I think we are at a PV/T moment 
where time is going to be exposed as the hidden variable to be manipulated only 
instead of air conditioners this may yield free energy, propulsion and even the 
possibility of temporal effects at the macroscale.

&nbs p;

From: MarkI-ZeroPoint [mailto:zeropo...@charter.net]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2012 4:47 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:FYI: ZPF-inertia work applied to subatomic particles; 
spatial harmonic resonances

When I lived in SoCal I visited Dr. Rueda several times to discuss his work on 
inertia and the electromagnetic zero-point field... their seminal paper came 
out in 1994.  Dr. Rueda did the math in that paper, whi ch is waaaaay above my 
pay-grade!   I now see that they've been applying their work to atomic 

Update on an Electromagnetic Basis for Inertia, Gravitation,
the Principle of Equivalence, Spin and Particle Mass Ratios

A possible connection between the electromagnetic quantum vacuum and inertia 
was first published by Haisch, Rueda and Puthoff (1994).  If correct, this 
would imply that mass may be an electromagnetic phenomenon and thus in 
principle subject to modification, with possible technological implications for 
propulsion.  A multiyear NASA-funded study at the Lockheed Martin Advanced 
Technology Center further developed this co ncept, resulting in an independent 
theoretical validation of the fundamental approach (Rueda and Haisch, 1998ab).  
Distortion of the quantum vacuum in accelerated reference frames results in a 
force that appears to account for inertia.  We have now shown that the same 
effect occurs in a region of curved spacetime, thus elucidating the origin of 
the principle of equivalence (Rueda, Haisch and Tung, 2001).

[ I separated out the rest of the abstract for emphasis ]

A further connection with general relativity has b een drawn by Nickisch and 
Mollere (2002):  zero-point fluctuations give rise to spacetime micro-curvature 
effects yielding a complementary perspective on the origin of inertia.  
Numerical simulations of this effect demonstrate the manner in which a massless 
fundamental particle, e.g. an electron, acquires inertial properties; this also 
shows the apparent origin of particle spin along lines originally proposed by 
Schrodinger.  Finally, we suggest that the heavier leptons (muon and tau) may 
be explainable as spatial-harmonic resonances of the (fundamental) electron.  
They would carry the same overall charge, but with the charge now having 
spatially lobed structure, each lobe of which would respond to higher frequency 
components of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum, thereby increasing the 
inertia and thus manifesting a heavier mass.

And in another paper at arXiv, I believe they incorporate a polarizable vacuum:
Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Inertia Hypothesis

Makes me seriously regret not having the math skills to express my qu alitative 
models quantitatively...

G'nite all...


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