Do electons have mass or do they not?
Numerical simulations of this effect demonstrate the manner in which a
MASSless fundamental particle, e.g. an electron, acquires inertial properties;
this also shows the apparent origin of particle spin along lines originally
proposed by Schrodinger. Finally, we suggest that the heavier leptons (muon
and tau) may be explainable as spatial-harmonic resonances of the (fundamental)
electron. They would carry the same overall charge, but with the charge now
having spatially lobed structure, each lobe of which would respond to higher
frequency components of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum,
thereby increasing the inertia and thus manifesting a heavier MASS.
***A MASSless particle won't manifest a heavier MASS. Either way, the theory
postulates that electrons would acquire intertia. That means the electrons are
manipulable, and if they have inertia, they can be pushed away from Protons in
the Hydrogen nuclei and thus the Coulomb barrier is easier to overcome. I
postulate this in the thread where I suggest the Poynting Asymmetrical
Capacitor Thrust vector is discussed