A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, if one presumes that it means anything.

At 12:11 AM 7/4/2012, Rich Murray wrote:
I'm glad to see my post has ignited a local hot spot in Vortex-L...

Some good will come out of it. I do intend to take this to the original authors for comment, privately, suggesting some sort of public comment that will resolve this issue. It's really irrelevant to any important findings in cold fusion, an external electric field may have been used in a handful of experiments, at most, out of many, many thousands. Maybe a hundred thousand.

Lomax:  Um, very highly unlikely. The plastic walls are intact, or
electrolyte would leak out. They have high dielectric resistance. If
this is acrylic, it's about 1/16 inch thick. Current will be very,
very low. If there is leakage current, the current will create a
voltage drop. It will not create "sporadic local heat." Basically,
that field does nothing. If Rich wants to assert that it does
something, well, that kind of contradicts his thesis, eh?

Murray: that's a pretty thin film of plastic to put 6 kv on -- local
radioactivity and cosmic rays will leave subtle ionized paths across
the plastic, without making tunnels that could leak the electrolyte,
while then the high voltages would tend to penetrate these paths and
increase the local ionization, always finding and expanding paths
until routes evolve right across the film -- very thin, complex routes
with all kinds of weird chemistry and physics as the 6 kv potential is
brought to bear on micro and nano size structures within the walls --
still without creating routes wide enough for liquids to flow through
-- so the vision becomes available for a multitude of strange
processes, constantly evolving and varying as time marches on,
creating anomalies -- there need to be research on whether micro and
nano currents are indeed flowing along the surfaces and within the
conductors and electrolyte inside these small cells -- and whether
they are creating chaotic corrosion on the micro and nano scales,
releasing complex chemicals and gases into the electrolyte...

And hordes of scientists are misled by the results, wasting decades of research following paths that were caused by such a simple mistake, and, as a result, the real physics is missed, the entire future of humanity is lost as we all die from global warming, but a few hardy souls survive underground, building tunnels and living a new kind of life.

And the mind can make up anything it likes. Doesn't make it real. Basically, acrylic is an excellent insulator. I would not advise using it in the presence of massive charged particle radiation, which will, indeed, break down the plastic. Don't use it in the presence of methylene chloride either. Don't use it above its melting point, or even close to it.

Rich, you made all this up. The plastic is unaffected by that voltage, the breakdown voltage for acrylic is conservatively specified -- for safety purposes -- at 17 KV/mm. So this conservatively would be 27 KV for that "thin film of plastic." It's not a "thin film," this is the side of a commercial plastic box, I have a hundred of these exact boxes sitting in my lab. It's clear acrylic, used for jewelry boxes and other display.

Sure, ionizing radiation will leave ionization tracks. However, those paths would remain ionized only for a very short time. Two things happen to such ionization tracks: the ionization does not remain, what remains is the disruption caused by local ionization caused by charged particle passage. Those tracks do not remain as available to conduct electricity, not for long. In order to create a path all the way through the plastic, a charged particle would have to have very high energy. And the problem with this is that as the particle energy increases above a threshold, the energy left behind *decreases*, until a very energetic particle leaves no track at all. Basically, a particle that can penetrate the plastic will not leave a track. This is why insulators like acrylic don't routinely break down from scattered cosmic rays. (there would be other effects, even if a path should open, there would be a current burst *within the acrylic wall* as the charged plastic capacitor discharges through itself. Given that the *other* piece of acrylic would not discharge at the same time, there would be no high current through the electrolyte, no overall leakage current beyond a doubling of the normal tiny current. Because this would be high-frequency, it might be detectable, if it does happen. My guess is, no. It doesn't happen. Ever.)

Rich is correct about one thing: if a discharge pathway like that opened up, it would not leak electrolyte, unless and until it became a gross pathway, from a *lot* of current passage.

Look at Widom-Larsen descriptions of "water tree" breakdown in 40 kv
high voltage DC power cables with centimeters of high density
polyethylene insulation over weeks and months of exposure to the
voltage, reported by Japanese scientists to show anomalous elements...

Look at any of a million observations connected only in the mind of Rich Murray. "Water tree breakdown" would be unmistakeable, visible in this clear acrylic box, standing out like a sore thumb.

There is no observed phenomenon here to be explained by breakdown of the acrylic under high voltage. There is a very poorly reported "observation" -- it is really an interpretation, I see no sign that objective criteria and precautions against subjective bias were used, not confirmed, yet here Rich is building a castle of complex imaginations on it.

I find this phenomenon fascinating. There are pseudoskeptics who reject repeated observations, confirmed by many researchers, ascribing them to "believers," while at the same time building Rube Goldberg fantasies, with no experimental basis at all, to explain away the results. That they can make up some fantastic "prosaic explanation" -- anything but LENR! -- seems sufficient to them, they can then sit back and imagine that they have "refuted" the claims.

And if they do find an actual error, they are overjoyed! Look! We caught them!

The heat measurements of Pons and Fleischmann were based on state-of-the-art calorimetry, world-class, and the most careful reviews of their methods were unable to impeach the basic findings of anomalous heat, *at most* they were able to reduce the certainty that the anomaly was as large as claimed. The anomaly remained, clearly above noise and error.

But Pons and Fleischmann, convinced that they were seeing heat above chemical possibility -- and, remember, they were world-class chemists -- considered nuclear origin to be a practical certainty. They were not nuclear physicists and they did not have the equipment to accurately measure radiation. They know that the effect wasn't ordinary deuterium fusion, that was totally obvious (and it was insulting to think that they had overlooked the obvious, i.e., that ordinary deuterium fusion would have produced fatal levels of radiation from the heat they were seeing). But was there any radiation? So they borrowed some equipment and found a signal that indicated, they thought, a low level of radiation. And since any radiation would be a sign of a nuclear reaction, they reported this in their original paper.

And it was an error, as was quickly found. And they were clubbed like baby seals for making a bonehead mistake. Outside their field. The fact, amply confirmed: the FP Heat Effect is not accompanied by any major radiation. There is some evidence that there are *tiny* levels of radiation, but that remains controversial, there is no unmistakeable, totally clear confirmation of this beyond isolated experiments and findings.

But the work that they did, being experts? The nuclear physicists frantically tried to confirm (or tried to disconfirm?) the heat findings. All they succeeded in doing was demonstrating that non-electrochemists could make a vast series of blunders. But the biggest blunder was in assuming that a replication failure is a proof of original error. No, it demonstrates that the attempted replication did not actually replicate the original conditions, plus there is always the possibility of a truly chaotic effect. Like a coin toss.

Sometimes this situation is then used, with a claim that "of course, it is impossible to prove a negative." As if that somehow impeached positive reports.

No, a basic operating courtesty and principle in science (and in law, by the way) is to assume that testimony is true unless controverted. So we assume that Pons and Fleischmann saw what they reported seeing. And so with all the other experiments (including the negative replications). Only if positive evidence of data alteration is found do we go there (as has happened with the MIT results, there was certainly a problem in the way their data was presented, and it does possibly impact their results, but this is a detail, an isolated incident).

So I toss eight coins and they all come up heads, and I report this. Is my report to be impeached because this is an unlikely result? The fact is that whatever result I report as to the specific result is unlikely (if it's a fair coin). What we would want to see, if we want to understand what is happening, is a series of experiments. Each individual result is unlikely, as an exact result, but we do know how to extract useful information from an accumulated series of experiments.

Still, if it was my first experiment, and I got HHHHHHHH, I'd be excited! Wouldn't you?

By sporadic local heat I am talking about micro and and nano regions,
where a nanoamp of current backed by by 6 KV can exert huge transient
forces in a small place, enough to vaporize Pd...

Hello? You seem to think that the effect of a nanoamp depends on what voltage is "backing" it. The nanoamp is backed by the local voltage, and Ohm's law applies. Each leg of the circuit can be analyzed separately, and what is happening in another leg, what voltages exist there, is irrelevant. If the local circuit were to open, to become infinite in resistance, yes, the voltage would rise up to 6 KV. But at zero current, the power is zero. Not the high power necessary to vaporize palladium.

And such vaporization from possible leakage current from high voltage isn't reported in any clear way. *At most* there might be a single "hole" seen in the Pd plating, in the subject paper, and such craters are seen, relatively plentifully, with a lot more morphological evidence of high heating, in lots of experiments where there is no high voltage involved.

Add to that, Pd fully loaded with H or D, and consider that the
reaction of 2 H with 1 O that hits the rough Pd surface will create
enough energy in the nano size molecule size region to separate a Pd
atom from the Pd lattice, i.e. vaporization... chemical energy thus is
easily able to provide the energy to vaporise 10 micron size craters
in Pd -- it would just take a 10 micron size bubble of O2 --

It takes only a little energy (1 eV) to shove a palladium atom out of place. To shove a 10 micron sphere out of place? I'm not going to do the math. It would take too much time, it's been done, and I've seen the results. Shanahan attempted to do this. He completely neglected the heat sinking, and he neglected reaction rates. If a bubble of oxygen hit the wall, it would "burn." Underwater, surrounded by a great heat sink, up against a wall of palladium lattice, also a great conductor of heat. To vaporize palladium from a chemical reaction, you'd have to release all the available chemical energy in such a short period of time that the heat does not have time to conduct away. Thus an ordinary oxygen bubble is hopeless. It would burn within the bubble, transferring very little heat to the palladium. Now, an explosive mixture would be more effective. Very unlikely close to the cathode, but a few such bubbles might be created. They would explode on hitting the lattice -- or any piece of palladium. But that's still outside the palladium, why would this energy be transferred immediately to the lattice? Instead of the liquid the bubble is surrounded by except for the point of contact?

Okay, so maybe a bubble enters a cave of some kind, an already-existing cavity. We'd get enough heat to melt some palladium, maybe. I don't think so, in fact, but I can't say "impossible."

Look, if we depended for proof of nuclear reactions on these little observed volcano remains, it would be interesting (that's why Duncan points to those images) but weak. But we don't. The primary, face-palm, evidence for "nuclear" is heat/helium. One of the largest objections to the nuclear hypothesis in the first place was lack of ash. MIT and others looked for helium and found none. Pons and Fleischmann believed that the reaction was in the bulk. But when the bulk was analyzed for helium, mostly none was found. (The results were not totally null, but obviously lots of the bulk palladium did not have elevated helium.) It was only when Miles confirmed earlier work finding levels of helium in the evolved gases that the ash was identified. In this work, unlike earlier work, the level of excess power being generated when the samples were taken was recorded and compared to later blind analysis for helium.

Correlation. Bingo.

Huizenga noted this and got the significance. But "because no gammas were reported" he considered it likely that Miles would not be confirmed.

Right there, a huge and fundamental error of the skeptical community is visible. It was assumed that if there was a nuclear reaction making helium, it would be d + d -> He-4, and that this reaction would behave in the same way as the known hot fusion reaction. That is, for conservation of momentum, there *must* be a gamma. But Pons and Fleischmann had not claimed d+d at all. They claimed "unknown nuclear reaction." Instead of treating the claim in that way, a claim that it was "d+d fusion" was substituted, and then skeptical "proof" of impossibility depended on this substitution, all the calculations of cross-section elevation, etc., were based on that assumption.

Miles was confirmed, and the accuracy of helium measurement was increased, such that Storms could claim that the Q is 25 +/- 5 MeV/He-4, with a straight face, and get this past some heavy peer review at Naturwissenschaften. I think his estimate is biased. I also think he's right, and that the reaction does have the Q for deuterium fusion to helium (23.8 MeV), but also that this is not yet demonstrated, merely likely. You want to claim it's 14 MeV, fine. I can't say it's impossible. Actual experimental results are more toward double, the value, over 40 MeV/He-4, which very likely reflects the difficulty in capturing all the helium (if helium is not captured and measured, particularly if it remains trapped in the palladium), then there is less helium reported, and the value of heat/helium goes up proportionally.

If you want to be serious about cold fusion, Rich, you must face this basic experimental fact: when both heat and helium are measured, they are found to be correlated. Storms reports a dozen research groups that have found this. There are no significant negative findings, beyond a handful of isolated anomalies.

So if you want to put your inventive mind to work, put it to work on this problem. There are a couple of relatively obvious fantasies I've seen. They do not match the experimental realities. It is, in fact, a clear sign of pseudoskepticism that a fantasy that doesn't match the experimental evidence is asserted as if it were some sort of likely explanation.

Background leakage is the most obvious of these. It is contradicted by the findings of helium above ambient. It is contradicted by the time-behavior of helium levels as they approach ambient (they show no slowing, and continue past background without a reduction in slope). It is most heavily contradicted by the correlation of heat and helium.

A more sophisticated version of this objection, Shanahan came up with this, I think, would be that heat causes seals to leak. Thus helium levels would correlate with heat. The problems with this:

1. It would never cause helium to exceed ambient.
2. It would vary with experimental details such as the exact nature of seals.
3. It would not be found with flow calorimetry, which maintains a constant temperature, with only slight deviation from that as a cell is heating internally. 4. It would be an amazing coincidence, repeated in many reports, that the ratio remained similar. 5. That the Q erroneously calculated from this is close to the deuterium fusion Q would be an even more amazing coincidence.
6. It leaves the heat with no explanation *at all*.

(With accepting helium as the likely ash, we then have a general hypothesis that the heat is coming from an unknown process that is converting deuterium to helium. This, in fact, matches a boatload of data. It even confirms that the early negative replications were generally accurate. I.e., as expected from this hypothesis, they found neither heat *nor* helium.)

Bubbles this small do not float the way larger bubbles do -- being so
tiny, they experience Browning motion, random jitters from random
kinetic impacts from the hot electrolyte molecules, mostly H2O -- they
will, however, respond to electric potentials on all scales from cm to
micro cm --

Only if they are charged. Yes to the brownian motion.

so, what is the actual distribution of nano and micro
bubbles of H2 and O2 and other gases after a few days of this chaotic
electrochemical commotion, corroding all surfaces in contact with the
electrolyte --  perhaps with bits of dust falling in from lab air,
adding perhaps catalytic elements right up to uranium --

It's complex in there, but the flow of gas is entirely out from these cells. The experiments are designed that way. If lab air enters the cell, it will bring with it humidity, i.e., hydrogen. Heavy water is hygroscopic, it readily absorbs ordinary water, diluting itself. And, as it happens, shutting down the FPHE, which disappears by roughly 1% H.

Rich, you are standing on a limb, grasping for some straw, to explain away something that isn't even important.

Such 10 micron bubbles would be so small that the chemical detonation
wave would be single pass,

These must be explosive mixture bubbles, not the pure bubbles that are originally formed. Such bubbles would be very rare, and regularly cleared from the electrolyte, they will disappear whenever they reach the surface, and the larger they get, the more bouyant they are. They will also disappear immediately if they hit the cathode anywhere. Or any palladium. Miles, doing high-current codeposition, observed bursts of flame as pieces of palladium -- loaded to the gills with deuterium, broke off, the plating under high current adheres poorly to the cathode, and circulated to the oxygen side of the cell. That was the cigarette lighter effect.... They would start to burn, the heat would cause rapid release of the deuterium, increasing the flame.

Mostly, before ever mixing with deuterium to create an explosive mixture, these bubbles would either escape to the surface, or would hit the cathode, any such contact and they would burn readily, disappearing.

The level of such internal recombination is known. It's very low.

Rich, I'll say it again. If you want to understand what is going on, you'll need to drop all the made-up explanations and simply become familiar with what's been observed. Some of the best minds on the planet have been engaged in this problem, with no cigar. We don't know what is happening, in detail (i.e, actual mechanism) but a few simple conclusions are becoming obvious, and that's what was published by Storms in 2010 in Naturwissenschaften.

On the other hand, if you want to make up complicated fantasies about what might be happening, with little or no foundation in experimental fact, you may certainly continue to do so, and you may as well continue to expect that, mixed with such fantasies, your actual findings, your clear analysis, will be ignored. The people who might do something about this long ago stopped reading you.

 reaching the whole bubble so fast that the
bubble would not have time to pop off the local vaporizing Pd surface
(which releases the adsorbed H right in proximity with the combustion
shock wave of the O2 bubble),

This is an image of a shock wave from burning. Nope. No shock wave. There is an oxidation front, that actually pushes the bubble away from the palladium. If it actually pushes away, the oxidation will stop, there being no mixed deuterium, there only being an environment of heavy water. There will only be a shock wave, spreading ignition, if the bubble is not pure oxygen, but an explosive mixture.

Imagine trying to melt palladium with a simple flame. Underwater. Flames are slow, depending on the feeding of the fuel to the flame. As the oxygen "burns", the bubble and surroundings would heat. Continued oxidation of deuterium depends on mixture, which would only happen as deuterium in the lattice diffuses to the flame front. That's inherently slow. The product is heavy water, so the bubble shrinks in size. If it detaches from the palladium lattice, the oxidation stops. Only if the bubble is truly trapped would it stay attached. The heat generation would depend on the diffusion rate of deuterium to the bubble. Balancing this would be the rapid condution of heat away from the place of ignition, by ubiquitous heavy water, away from the point(s) of contact, and by the metal lattice, which is also a good conductor of heat. The rate of heat delivery to the area of contact must exceed the rate of loss of heat by conduction for the lattice to heat. That this process could result in not only melting of palladium but vaporization (necessary to blow palladium out of the resulting melt zone) seems radically implausible to me.

But so what if it does happen? What does this have to do with the basic process causing anomalous heat? The possibiklity of internal recombination at the cathode is already considered in the heat studies. And how would this affect helium production?

Given that the mind can *always* make up something if uncontrained by experimental fact, you can go on forever thinking up increasingly implausible scenarios and imagining that you have found some that "should be answered." How's it been working for you, Rich?

 so that the entire explosion would be
like a shaped charge stuck to the Pd -- in fact the spherical or
hemispherical symmetry would tend to make a fierce, high density,
central jet aimed straight at the Pd surface, uh, maybe -- so, maybe,
no need to invoke nuclear nano explosions --

There is no "need" to invoke anything, if you can make up *anything* to explain away confirmed experimental results. You can make up shaped charges. You really haven't thought this through, shaped charges require not just a combustible, but an explosive, i.e., mixed hydrogen/oxygen in this case. Shaped charges require some specific shape such that an explosive front creates a particularly penetrating shock wave. And even with an explosive mixture bubble, describing an explosion of a 10 micron bubble of D/O as "fierce" and "high density" and, as well, "stuck to the palladium" -- what is sticking it there? Any point of contact with the surface would immediately burn, and if it is an explosive bubble, it would explode on first contact. I can imagine that if the bubble were trapped, the explosion would be confined, but think for a moment how that bubble could get into being trapped.

Suppose it starts as an oxygen bubble. Suppose it is somehow carried to a cave in the palladium. Now the current is all away from the cathode, there is no current inward. The cathode is evolving deuterium gas, which is bubbling away. The gas appears at the surface. Okay, because there is also deuterium gas being absorbed by the cathode, maybe, let's grant, there are some local currents toward the cathode. Bubbles of deuterium gas don't form everywhere.

So a bubble is carried toward the cathode somewhere. In order to enter a cave, the bubble would have to not be carried by the inward current into contact with the wall until it was completely into the cave. Because it would immedately burn at the point of contact, assuming that there was deuterium loaded into the palladium there. Where does the explosive mixture arise? It can't arise there, because any deuterium entering the bubble will burn. Not explode, burn.

So the bubble must already be an explosive mixture. In order to get a trapped explosion, it needs to enter a cave, just so. My guess is that it would be possible to study this, and rule it in or out. However, it's not worth the effort! The little volcanos, with apparent molten ejecta seen are not a crucial part of any CF hypothesis. They are possibly explained by a high local nuclear reaction rate, that's why they are interesting. My seat-of-the-pants estimate is that chemical reactions could not, under the conditions, heat up palladium fast enough to cause vaporization, but vaporization is an effect first seen by Pons and Fleischmann in about 1984, in the famous incident. From then on, they scaled down, for obvious reasons. This effect was very difficult to control, and you might see nothing for a long time, then bang!

That event was very difficult to explain by chemistry. This was an open cell, no accumulated oxygen. If the cell were broken open, if ignition took place, the palladium would burn. Not explode. The oxygen would have to come from ambient air, not from evolution in the cell, for the oxygen does not accumulate in a Pons-Fleischmann cell. It would get hot, but the palladium would not vaporize. You'd have to supply oxygen under pressure, as with an oxy-hydrogen torch, to get that hot. This thing apparently got hot enough to vaporize some of the palladium, and what melted and fell on the lab table burned through the lab table -- these things are made to take substantial heat -- and down into the concrete floor several inches. There was not a big explosion. The lab was not wrecked, just filled with smoke. This was a 1 cm cube of palladium, loaded with deuterium, probably above 90%. You can figure the available energy from that if you like. And then figure that it turns effectively, as heated, into an open tap to a supply of deuterium, which would create a flame. As the flame heats the palladium, the rate of evolution of deuterium would increase (the cigarette lighter effect), but combustion would be limited by the supply of oxygen. At most you would get a bloom of flame.

There was a famous explosion at SRI that killed a researcher. Very different. Chemical explosion. The recombiner failed -- these things tend to do that, they get clogged in various ways -- and so pressure built up of an explosive mixture of deuterium and oxygen. When the researcher moved the cell, the crud that was blocking recombination fell off, causing rapid recombination, causing local heat, leading to ignition. It exploded. The amount of heat released would not have been large. I doubt anything was melted. The researcher died. McKubre still has pieces of the apparatus buried in his body, I think.

(I had a piece of glass from a lab accident at Cal Tech in my thumb for maybe fifteen years before it came out, if it had been deep enough, it might have been there for the rest of my life.)

Murray's Law: nothing is as complex and devious as an apparently
simple electrolysis experiment...

Electrolysis experiments are indeed very complex, but not quite as complex as Murray thinks. Nothing is as complex and devious as a mind determined to make up explanations before having enough evidence to actually see clear correlations and come to sane conclusions.

What's really interesting and personally useful is to look within and discover what fuels this search.

Yes, it can be complex.

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