At 04:42 PM 7/9/2012, wrote:
In reply to  Abd ul-Rahman Lomax's message of Mon, 09 Jul 2012 13:28:02 -0500:
>Storms is predicting that the ash with NiH is deuterium.

In order to produce D you need an either n+p or p+p. The former implies a WL
reaction. The latter an f/H reaction. If f/H is involved then is unlikely to be
much D remaining because the reactions consuming D (such as p+D => He3) are
faster than the p+p reaction by many orders of magnitude.

Storms is proposing H + H + e -> D. His general mechanism is a line of nuclei with electrons in between, confined in a resonant crack. he writes the reaction that way to emphasized that the electron is actually incorporated in the fusion, with protons as fuel. With deuterons, it is not sucked in. D + e + D -> He-4. With a mixture of D and H, he predicts tritium. D + e + H -> T. Looks like the electron is incorporated.

I have some serious problems with his mechanism. Just noting that he does predict deuterium, and it's not impossible, and would be difficult to detect until there was substantial build-up.

He-3 isn't observed. Tritium is.

Predictions of reaction cross-section based on standard fusion reactions could be wildly off. The concentration of D in the hydrogen would be very small at first. I.e., natural incidence.

Frankly, though, I have trouble remembering stuff I don't understand. Maybe I remember it wrong. This is Storms new paper, it's up on the web.

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