There are many questions about Obama's past.

It is an indisputable fact that the "Long Form Birth Certificate" posted on
the web site manipulated in photoshop. The moron who created
the PDF forgot to flatten all of the layers, so that anyone could go in an
move important parts of the document around, including the registrar's
stamp. What parts of the document are accurate, and why was it altered at
all? The state of HI uses a number of weasel words to say he was born here
without backing it up with an actual document.

A number of explanations are possible-- when Obama was adopted by his
Indonesian father, the birth certificate may have been modified or altered,
as is often the case with adoptions. The actual BC may have been lost or

I personally doubt Obama was born in Kenya, but Obama is hiding something,
or playing a strange game with millions of taxpayer and campaign dollars.
There have been dozens of lawsuits claiming he may be ineligible that could
be resolved (perhaps) with the presentation of a birth certificate. All
fail due to "lack of standing" but still require hundreds of hours of court

A US military doctor had questions and tried to assure himself that Obama
was constitutionally eligible to hold office and ended up in Leavenworth...
Poor judgement on his part, but again, easily solved had Obama not played
hide-and-seek with his records.

Of course, Jojo makes a good point that having dual citizenship at birth
would make someone ineligible as "Natural Born Citizen", which might
explain O's reluctance to enter evidence into a court. The constitution was
written so that the president could not be a commander from an invading
country or have divided loyalties.

As this author points out, the biggest question is Obama's story of
attending Occidental where he was a self-admitted pot-smoking bad student..
how did he get in? Why does nobody remember him? Who paid for his college?
Was he enrolled as a foreigner? What were his grades?

Jed is not the only one who thinks that anyone who doesn't fawn over Obama
is a racist. Let me remind everyone about how most conservatives also
didn't like Carter, Clinton, and many were not fond of GW. We are equal
opportunity bashers of inept leadership and are quick to "eat our own". But
Obama does have a long and sordid past with communists (Bill Ayres, Frank
Marshal Davis) and was ranked the most liberal Senator. He is aligned with
the Democratic Socialists of America and their offshoot, the New Party.

This video is interesting, even if only some of the facts presented are
true.. (The title is bogus, the tone silly, and it was created by an
individual, rather than the media, who failed to vet him...)

And a related one about the influential father figures in Obama's life.

According to the odds makers, Obama will win the election easily. According
to most polls, Obama is trailing slightly in the swing states.

Trying to determine truth from fiction in Obama's narrative should be the
job of the press and anyone who is interested in presidential history. But
when valid concerns and uncomfortable facts are raised, the press is the
first to scream "dog whistle racism"..

May we live in interesting times...

- Brad

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