> From: "Jeff Berkowitz" <pdx...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:08:15 PM
> Subject: [Vo]:Analysis of W-L theory as applicable to Rossi device
> If you open this link:
> http://newenergytimes.com/v2/conferences/2012/ICCF17/ICCF-17-Vysotskii-Stimulated-LENR-Paper.pdf
> It turns out that the PDF contains three separate and unrelated LENR
> papers stuck together end to end.

The third paper is worth reading ... Harmonic oscillator explains the peaks in 
Hagelstein/Letts/Craven laser beat frequencies.

Ni+p => Cu+v reaction rate goes from 10^-1000 to 10^-4

Says it explains Rossi-Focardi ... except that they don't use a RF stimulator 
(any more?)

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