On 2012-08-21 18:52, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
Look, Celani's work is great. His willingness to demonstrate it publicly
is great. Don't make too much of it, though. The calorimetry shown is
not conclusive. His lab reports are more valuable.

Yes, I agree with you that there are experiments of greater scientific value, also made by Celani himself. My point is that his portable demo can be a nice "motivational poster" for new people interested in making cold fusion experiments or long time garage experimenters stuck with costly, not easily repeatable and only instrumentally observable results with Pd-D electrolytic cells.

It's true that the calorimetry shown is currently not conclusive, but will this matter anymore once he manages to run it in self-sustaining or mostly self-sustained mode?

If he does, then we will have a clear winner since the cell is very simple to manufacture and assemble, it's relatively inexpensive, the active material can be produced at a low cost and can apparently trigger excess heat quite reliably in large and easily observable amounts. To me, this can potentially become a very good candidate for school lab LENR demonstrations too.

A JET Nanor ran for, what was it? -- months? -- at MIT early this year.

Unfortunately - I could be wrong - there's not much information around about it, besides relatively detailed slides showing tiny but reliable amounts of excess heat being generated in various runs.

I just noticed that JET Energy now have a dedicated website, though.



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