Copying from my post on e-catworld:

Can anyone on this forum comment on the True RMS meter that was used? The link Frank supplied seems to suggest that one of its applications is to find unexpected high currents.

So a typical scenario may be this: you have fuses that repeatedly blow and your normal ampmeter does not find any justification for that fact. This True RMS meter would show you the real --- higher --- current.

Now, we know such ampmeters and multimeters have digital displays that only update once every second, or half second at most. Somewhere in that meter, there must be an algorithm that determines what value to display next. Usually that would be an average value of the last period. But knowing that this device is often used to find unexpected high currents, could it be that it displays the max value? (or the max average of all the intervals of a typical duration that would be enough for a fuse to blow)?

Depending on the duty cycle of the (presumably PWM driven) resistive heater, this may give too high values at swithing on. This is why he now suggests using a variable AC transformer, to stop using PWM.

Keep in mind that I am just a software engineer, so take it easy on me. Just trying to hold on to my hope just a little bit longer.


On 09/10/2012 11:32 AM, Robert Lynn wrote:
I would say most of last years steam-based demos. Claiming COPs that were far higher than what was realistic, but specifically 3:00-4:00 doesn't exactly inspire confidence, looks to be tweaking the power to increase steam output when Lewan is out of the room and he is not being watched (far more steam as Lewan replaces the tube than when he first pulled it out).

I no longer think it was ignorance on Rossi's part that lead to such consistently bad calorimetry and ambiguous results, he was trying to create uncertainty and wiggle room for himself to be able to exaggerate his results. It is notable that the few independent groups of testers that really had proper access to check results (NASA linked group, Defkalion now Swedes) have all had tests that were either didn't work or under-delivered on promises, would love to hear from insiders who were there. And we know that Rossi has lied on many other occasions too (eg shipment of 1MW unit).

Totally massively untrustworthy.

On 10 September 2012 15:58, James Bowery < <>> wrote:

    To what faked results are you referring exactly?

    On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 9:32 AM, Robert Lynn
    <>> wrote:

        What I would run screaming from is someone who faked results
        with a straight face (as we saw in one of the demos last year)...

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