A quick look at Celani's chart on page 31 of his report leads to a few 
interesting thoughts.  In that chart he plots the excess power as one variable 
versus time.  The shape of the waveform suggests that his device has most 
likely achieved a state of self sustaining operation for brief periods of time. 
 He is monitoring the temperature of the outer glass surface to calculate the 
radiated power from which he subtracts the 48 watts applied to the inactive 

I notice that the leading edges of the power waveform pulses are very steep and 
the period of time during which the large excess power is seen is short.  I 
suspect that a strong filtering function is at work to greatly reduce the glass 
outer surface temperature and that the actual power might be quite a bit larger 
than that shown on the chart.  The power pulses could be in the form of 
impulses with a peak of 50 watts or more, although we can not determine that 
from the low resolution of the chart.

>From an earlier discussion I proposed that a drive power of 48 watts applied 
>to the inactive wire would behave as a joule heating of 15 watts applied to 
>the active LENR wire.  The active wire is also subjected to the high gas 
>temperature associated with the inactive drive wire heating.  This combination 
>could very easily result in a self sustaining mode due to the large COP gain 
>that I think is present.  My main question is why does the power decay back to 
>below the average output after a very brief period?

Rossi has always insisted that melting of his material brings the LENR output 
to an immediate halt and this curve appears to support that idea.  Furthermore, 
the many similar impulses that show up in Celani's chart make me believe that 
each one is an independent positive feedback event that continues until its 
conclusion.  If my hypothesis is true, then the surface of the active wire most 
likely would demonstrate a very large  collection of damaged regions due to the 
many active pulses.  It is possible that rapid re crystallization of each 
region after the melting event would allow it to return to active duty, but 
this would need to be confirmed.

I simulated a system that began in a stable mode which transformed into one of 
positive feedback reinforcement that would quickly proceed toward large excess 
output power and the Celani waveforms have a similar appearance.  The recovery 
toward zero excess power would be slower than the rising edge if the system 
lost its positive feedback due to melting, otherwise both edges would be rapid.

I would like to pursue this line of thought further to verify that it is 
occurring, but a more detailed set of data will be required before the 
waveforms can be adequately resolved.  Does anyone know of a link to the 
supporting data from which the Celani charts were drawn?  I have not be able to 
locate the details.



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