
Thanks for your explanation. That is very helpful.

Here is my raw data if you are interested.


I do think chemistry is happening with the Borax.


On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

> All of this work is suspect. First of all, an intepretive issue. First of
> all, the definition of COP.
>  COP (Coefficient of Performance): A measurement of the instantaneous
>> efficiency of heating or cooling equipment. It represents the steady-state
>> rate of energy output of the equipment divided by the steady-state rate of
>> energy input to the equipment, expressed in consistent units (i.e. <
>> http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/**consumer/buildings/homes/**
>> ratings/terms.htm#watt<http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/consumer/buildings/homes/ratings/terms.htm#watt>
>> >watts-**out per watts-in or <http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/**
>> consumer/buildings/homes/**ratings/terms.htm#Btuph<http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/consumer/buildings/homes/ratings/terms.htm#Btuph>
>> >Btu/h-**out per Btu/h-in). Thus, the resultant value of COP is unit
>> less. Most vapor-compression heating and cooling equipment has COPs greater
>> than unity. That means it delivers more heat energy than it consumes.
> Note, first of all: "rate of energy" refers to power. That's measured in
> watts, or BTU/hr.
> There is a significant level of confusion in writing about cold fusion
> between excess power (XP) and excess energy.
> Excess power is instantaneous, it is output power minus input power. That
> there is XP does not show that there is a nuclear reaction, because
> chemistry can do it. Further, simple delay can create an appearance of XP.
> If IP is the input power, then, COP = XP/IP.
> For example, dump a lot of power into a heating element for a second. The
> measured temperature of the whole device will rise *later*, as this heat is
> released to the electrolyte and reaches the temperature-measuring element.
> If the input power has been turned off, the COP, then, could be infinite,
> i.e. a rising temperature (for a short time) with no input power.
> Electrochemical cells can store energy, and that energy might later be
> released. It will show up, while being released, as XP. While energy is
> being stored, the cell will show negative XP.
> What is of true interest is excess *energy*. And because XE can be a
> result of chemical reactions, we are really looking for *anomalous* XE.
> This XE must be integrated over the life of the experiment, or one might
> simply be seeing the result of energy storage. Chemical energy might be
> "stored," as well, in the initial composition of the cell.
> Cold fusion calorimetry must take into account all the inputs (which
> includes cell materials) and all the outputs (which includes evolved gas
> and whatever is left in the cell).
> So if you are looking for XP alone, you might easily find it, without it
> meaning much.
> I don't see the kind of data being reported that would allow someone with
> skill to interpret the results; instead, you report only a calculated COP.
> Without knowing the actual data, this isn't particularly meaningful.
> I'd expect to see -- and do see in raw experimental data from cold fusion
> researchers -- a spreadsheet with recording of ambient temperature, input
> current, input voltage, and cell temperature. In most work, input current
> is held constant (which is good up to well over 100 KHz), there is bubble
> noise below that frequency, and the power supply can compensate) and
> voltage varies. Under those conditions, constant current, voltage can be
> averaged over short periods and thus can be used to calculate input power.
> If current also varies, the calculation must be an integral, and if the
> variation is fast, as with bubble noise, the integration must be fast as
> well, i.e., with short integration intervals.
> This is why almost all cold fusion work is done with a power supply in
> constant current mode. You can easily make current regulators with a few
> dollars' worth of components. The Galileo project included instructions for
> making cheap current regulators to produce the specified protocol currents.
> You have calculated the Output Power by making assumptions about the
> volume of the electrolyte, cooling, etc. In cold fusion calorimetry, of the
> type you are attempting, OP is determined through calibrations, with known
> power input (from a heating element). I.e., with a known output power, with
> a particular experimental setup, there will be a certain temperature rise
> over ambient.
> There are still lots of problems, but this approach can get you close.
> Trying to calculate the heat loss from a cell is quite difficult; one is
> dealing with radiative loss, which is at the fourth power of the
> temperature difference, as well as conductive and convection losses.
> There is also the issue of energy carried away by the generated gases. If
> you are using DC power input, you might assume that all the generated
> hydrogen and oxygen are unrecombined. Most of it will be.
> A sign that you've done everything correctly would be a COP of 1.0 at
> steady-state. More accurately, the integral of the output energy should
> equal the integral of the input energy.
> At 06:28 AM 10/15/2012, Jack Cole wrote:
>  After stopping the experiment and watching the temp drop, I see I was
>> losing more heat than I thought.  Taking this into account there appear to
>> have been times over 100% efficiency (not including losses of energy to
>> electrolysis).  I saw a drop in temp of 2.5F in 60 mins after removing
>> power.  The temp of the 1 gallon of water dropped 16.9F in 7 hrs.
>> So I have an average of 2.4F temp loss per hour.  To be conservative, I
>> factor 2F of heat loss into my formula, and exclude earlier values in the
>> run where the ambient temp and bath temp differ by less than 10F.
>> Here are my COP calculations with those assumptions.
>> Time COP
>> 14:56:00 1.43
>> 15:19:00 1.3
>> 15:36:00 1.12
>> 15:51:00 1.2
>> 17:03:00 1.2
>> 17:50:00 1.12
>> 18:52:00 0.98
>> 19:51:00 0.93
>> 20:09:00 0.95
>> Here is how I calculate COP (sorry I use English units, I'll convert to
>> metric in subsequent experiments).
>> Input power.
>> W = ((Amperage at Time 1 + Amperage at Time 2) / 2) * ((Voltage at Time 1
>> + Voltage at Time 2) / 2) * (Minutes in interval / 60)
>> Then convert to BTU.
>> Input BTU = W / .293 (converting watts to BTU)
>> Output Power.
>> Output BTU = (Temp at time 2 - temp at time 1 + (2 * (minutes in interval
>> / 60))) * (134.25/16)
>> Note - 134.25 is the weight of water in the surrounding bath and
>> electrolytic cell in ounces and the 2 refers to heat loss per hour.
>> COP = Output BTU / Input BTU
>> Please let me know if you see any errors in my formulas or logic.  Even
>> if I presume a heat loss of 1.5F per hour, four of the values in the above
>> table still give over-unity COP.
>> What I don't like about what I did above is needing to calculate in heat
>> loss.  I suppose I can wrap the styrofoam bucket in insulation
>> (Rossi-style).
>> Jack
>> On Oct 14, 2012 4:21 PM, "Jack Cole" <<mailto:jcol...@gmail.com>jco**
>> l...@gmail.com <jcol...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Better results today, but still under-unity.  I replaced the anode with 4
>> stainless steel washers soldered directly to the wire.  Starting temp of
>> the surrounding bath was 69.4F and last measure was 85.2F (for 1 gallon of
>> water + 5 oz in the electrolytic cell). Average ambient temp 70.2F. Average
>> input voltage is 12.1 and current is .69.  Average COP .66 (low=.52
>> high=.80).  Of course there is energy loss with power going into the
>> electrolysis, which has not been included in the calculations.  I'll keep
>> it running and see how hot it can get or if anything changes.
>> Jack
>> On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 6:20 AM, Jack Cole <<mailto:jcol...@gmail.com>jco
>> **l...@gmail.com <jcol...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> After running all night with my new setup, I observe no excess heat.  The
>> current dropped throughout the run.  The COP values start at .43 and trail
>> off to .12 at the end.  Back to the drawing board.
>> Thanks for your write-up Jeff.  I have definitely seen significant
>> heating in my experiments using a higher current level than you are using,
>> but does not approach unity based on my last experiment.

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