An important detail about the Deep Dirac Layer, in the context of “halo”
nuclei is that the electron orbit radius around the proton is only ~ 5 fm,
which is in the range where it could be bound as a virtual neutron halo
nucleus (upper range). Of course, the leap of faith is that this state -
which is an inverse Rydberg state (IRH) can be both stable (for an hour or
two), bound, and mistaken for the halo state, due to proximity to the target
nucleus. There is so little public information on this that I doubt we can
know for sure.

The Rice/Kim paper below gives a pretty good introduction to the DDL or Deep
Dirac Layer (put forth by Maly and Va'vra in Fusion Technology). Rice/Kim et
al make a valiant effort to disprove, or at least cast doubt on the reality
of the DDL, but the underlying assumptions in eq. 9,10,11 have problems of
their own.

Curiously Rice/Kim et al do not mention Miley & Holmlid's conception of IRH,
or Inverted Rydberg Hydrogen. But they do mention Mills conception of deeply
redundant ground states, but not accurately.

At any rate - the main point of all this is the similarity of Mills, Miley &
Holmlid and Maly & Va'vra - at least when all of their suggestions are taken
together and mashed, so to speak; making a putative case for the identity of
so-called dark matter. Perhaps one must cherry-pick amongst them to get the
best details, but there seems to be something very intuitive in this
correlation of dense-hydrogen to dark matter.

All of them, and Mills is first in the chronology IIRC, suggest that this
dense state of hydrogen can be the "ash" of reactions such as those which
occur in the corona of our sun and most other starts, and which the end
product consists of tightly bound hydrogen atoms with an extremely tight
orbital. This has appeal in being the best way to account for the missing
mass (dark matter) of the universe, since that mass is really nothing new at
all, but is in effect another form of hydrogen. The electron orbit radius of
the DDL is only ~ 5 fm.


There is an interesting alternative source to pursue based on the Storms and
Scanlan findings – given that palladium is used in their experiment as well
- and should be a more ready source of any anomaly; which could be due to
those pesky isotopes 109mPd and 111mPd. Both of these are “halo nuclei” and
of military importance.

These two isotopes are not found naturally, yet there are two common
isotopes 108 and 110 which are in all palladium, which could yield the
odd-numbered ones around them, with half lives in hours following a virtual
neutron absorption. Actually since these two are halo  that little
convenient fact could actually obviate the need for a neutron absorption at
all !! In fact, hydrogen in a DDL could in principle be captured as a halo
nucleus ab initio. Wow, this just dawned on me – a DDL (Deep Dirac Layer)
and a “halo” around certain target nuclei - are almost the same thing, no?
Can the two be distinguished?

Plus - If beta decay is accelerated, either isotope would be in the one hour
range of half-life, yet the possibility of a “halo” makes either most
intriguing in the context of a “new kind of radiation”. Correspondingly,
there is little information about these two – or about any halo nuclei – due
to the high level secrecy of certain coherent emission devices (the infamous
death ray gun) … yet one suspects that these isotopes are being produced in
quantity, ostensibly for medical uses.

Of course, either halo nucleus would imply a real or more likely a virtual
neutron - such as f/H or deep redundancy or Inverse Rydberg hydrogen, or
Deep Dirac Layers etc. No surprise there. In fact it is even possible that
all halo nuclei have DDLs, instead of neutrons !

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