Two weeks ago we talked about a note that Ed Storms and Brian Scanlan were
passing around [1].  They are conducting an experiment using GM counters
and have identified two signals for unknown species that are decaying.  The
half-lives are calculated to be 58 minutes and 109 minutes, respectively,
and there is a question about whether the signals are for the same species.
 The note uses a process of elimination to suggest that the decaying
species could be potassium-40.  Normally potassium-40 has a half-life of
1.24E9 years, so something unusual would have to happen to cause it to
decay more quickly.

At the time I was wondering what species had half-lives in nature on the
order of 58 to 109 minutes.  There is a Wikipedia page that mentions
nobelium-259 (58 minutes) and fluorine-18 (109 minutes) [2].  It turns out
this page is quite incomplete.  Using Mathematica, I was able to come up
with a more complete list:

Isotope            Atomic Number Decay Modes     Half-life (m.)
Fluorine18         9             β+              109.771
Chlorine39         17            β-              56.2
Argon41            18            β-              109.61
Scandium49         21            β-              57.17
Cobalt61           27            β-              99.
Zinc69             30            β-              56.33
Gallium68          31            β+              67.72
Germanium75        32            β-              82.78
Germanium78        32            β-              88.
Arsenic70          33            β+              52.67
Arsenic78          33            β-              90.67
Bromine75          35            β+              97.
Krypton77          36            β+              74.33
Krypton87          36            β-              76.33
Strontium80        38            β+              106.3
Zirconium87        40            β+              100.8
Niobium97          41            β-              72.17
Ruthenium94        44            β+              51.83
Ruthenium95        44            β+              98.58
Silver103          47            β+              65.67
Silver104          47            β+              69.17
Cadmium104         48            β+              57.67
Cadmium105         48            β+              55.5
Cadmium118         48            β-              50.33
Indium108          49            β+              58.
Tin128             50            β-              59.07
Tellurium117       52            β+, PE          62.
Tellurium129       52            β-              69.67
Iodine120          53            β+              82.
Iodine134          53            β-              52.5
Barium126          56            β+              1.e2
Barium139          56            β-              83.06
Lanthanum131       57            β+              58.
Lanthanum142       57            β-              91.17
Cerium133          58            β+              97.
Praseodymium137    59            β+              76.83
Neodymium136       60            β+              50.67
Neodymium149       60            β-              103.7
Samarium142        62            β+              72.48
Terbium147         65            β+              1.e2
Terbium148         65            β+              60.
Holmium156         67            β+              57.
Erbium163          68            β+              75.
Thulium163         69            β+              108.6
Ytterbium164       70            EC              75.83
Ytterbium177       70            β-              114.7
Ytterbium178       70            β-              73.
Lutetium167        71            β+              51.5
Hafnium183         72            β-              64.02
Tantalum174        73            β+              68.
Osmium181          76            β+              1.1e2
Iridium183         77            β+, α           57.
Platinum185        78            β+, α           70.83
Thallium195        81            β+              69.67
Thallium196        81            β+              110.3
Lead199            82            β+              90.
Bismuth201         83            β+, α           103.
Bismuth202         83            β+, α           103.
Bismuth212         83            β-, α, β-+α     60.55
Polonium205        84            β+, α           104.
Astatine207        85            β+, α           1.1e2
Astatine208        85            β+, α           97.83
Radon224           86            β-              107.
Radium230          88            β-              93.
Actinium229        89            β-              62.67
Protactinium239    91            β-              1.1e2
Uranium229         92            β+, α           58.
Neptunium240       93            β-              61.83
Americium237       95            β+, α           73.
Americium238       95            β+, α           98.
Curium249          96            β-              64.15
Berkelium251       97            β-              55.67
Californium255     98            β-, F, α        85.
Einsteinium249     99            β+, α           102.2
Mendelevium256     101           β+, α, F        77.
Mendelevium259     101           F, α            97.
Nobelium259        102           α, EC, F        58.
Lawrencium266      103           α, F            67.
Rutherfordium264   104           α               67.
Rutherfordium268   104           α, F            67.
Dubnium270         105           α, F            67.
Seaborgium272      106           α, F            67.
Bohrium273         107           α, F            90.
Bohrium274         107           α, F            90.
Hassium276         108           α, F            67.

The lighter elements, up to Gallium, are particularly interesting.  Note
that radon-224 is in the list and has a half-life of 107 minutes. I am not
sure of this, but it looks like radon-224 is not a daughter of the usual
radium decay and only exists as a synthetic isotope, so even if the
109-minute half-life went back to radon-224, there would appear to be
something unusual going on.

In the note by Storms and Scanlan, C, O, Si, Al, K, Fe, Mg, Ti, Na, Ni, Cu
and Cr are mentioned at different points in connection with materials in
the GM detector and in the samples, and all but one of these elements are
not favored as the source of the unidentified decaying species.  The
experiment itself involves subjecting samples of Pd and Ni sputtered with
various metals to H2.  Three different materials were prepared in this way,
and they all displayed the same behavior once activated.

I have found few exothermic proton or deuteron capture reactions starting
from stable isotopes that will lead to the light elements in the table
above, up to and including Gallium; they are:

  20Ne + d -> 18F + α
  17O + p -> 18F + γ
  40Ar + d -> 41Ar + p
  68Zn + d -> 69Zn + p
  70Ge + d -> 68Ga + α

One interesting detail about these reactions is that there is that the only
overlap with the elements mentioned in a previous paragraph is oxygen; in
this case, 17O, which exists in small amounts in the environment.



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