Thanks Chuck, the experimentation has been going on now for a couple of days 
and I did notice unusual behavior that I was not expecting.  I performed a 
small experiment using AC with new nickels that had not been undergoing 
electrolysis at any time and saw that they did not show any of the green 
coating that was so evident with DC.  Instead, there was a jet black coating 
being formed upon the nickels.  Then, I applied DC to my cell and a green 
coating began to form over top of the previous black coating upon the nickel 
connected to the positive terminal.  I allowed this process to continue for a 
few hours and then scraped off the net coating to get a orange copperish 
looking finish where the old coatings were.  This finish has a rough appearance.

So far the bottom line is that AC drive behaves far differently than DC drive 
in this system.  I can definitely see boiling electrolyte temperatures between 
the two nickels with AC drive while far fewer bubbles of gas are released by 
the active mechanisms as compared to DC drive.  With AC, the effective 
resistance of the combination remains much lower than with DC current.  The 
high resistance appears to correspond with the deposition of the green coating 
that follows DC current flow.

My present transformer will not allow me to achieve the 100-140 volt drive 
levels so that would have to be achieved by some other means.  I have a few 
ideas regarding the use of an adjustable transformer, but that would be 
difficult to handle.  I do not feel comfortable with direct connection by 
metallic path to the AC mains.  It would be too easy to become electrocuted 
with one careless maneuver.

My AC RMS voltage is 21 volts for these tests so the resistance must remain 
less than 10 ohms between the terminals if I am to drive the system with 2 amps 
of current.  I am able to achieve this goal without too much difficulty when 
the green coating is absent.  I need to perform more experimentation with this 

The salts you suspect are interesting.  Do you suspect that the normal oxides 
of the nickel and copper are suppressed?  Also, I am not aware of any visual 
change to the surface of the nickel if hydrogen has entered.  Would anyone 
expect a color change or other indication when this happens?

I would love to see the glow that Horace mentions and perhaps that day will 
come when I figure a good way to drive the cell in a safe manner.  It is 
apparent that I will need to pre-charge the nickels before applying the full 
voltage unless I want to melt my experiment.  If I used my typical resistance 
of 10 ohms and set the input AC to 100 volts RMS, I would generate 1000 watts 
of power at a current of 10 amps.

I wonder if the sparks I saw with the sodium carbonate were somehow related to 
the glow mentioned by Horace.  My results were correlated with the open circuit 
voltage rising toward 50 volts as it attempted to maintain the current at a 
constant level.  The sparks suggest to me some form of burning mechanism and I 
got a large dose of the vapor by accident once when watching the phenomena too 
closely.  It was a strong odor that I hope is not carcinogenic.  The smoke I 
breathed was definitely not water vapor.

Chuck, have you given consideration to some process that might treat the CuB2O3 
or NiB2O3 differently so that the copper might be taken away from the nickel 
surface selectively?  It might be possible to selectively erode the copper 
leaving NAE in large quantities.


P.S. AC in my posting is standard line frequency in the US which is 60 hertz.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Sites <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Oct 25, 2012 12:02 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started

Good Luck with the new experiments David.  I think you will see some 
interesting effects.   Regarding the sparks and light flashes, I ran across a 
paper that describes an  spark effect, but it was seen in the 100-140Volt 
range.  Horace Heffner describes it in his paper;

It could be that the local electric potential is large enough that the sparkle 
effect happens.  

Anyway, with the AC, do try the DC pre-charging.   If there is a true LENR 
effect, I would think this is one of the better ways of see it.    The 
pre-charging  might allow coating of the cupronickel with B2O3 which Mile's 
hints was one method of rapid LENR in his youtube video.   In addition, as 
Storm's has suggested, you might pre-fill the lattice dislocations.   Once the 
AC begins, hopefully you will see a robust heating effect.  With AC, you should 
see the  Na2[B4O5(OH)4] oscillating back and forth, and swarms of H+ push 
through the Cu-Ni B4O5(OH)4 surface.   I found some old notes, that indicated 
in DC, the green salts could be CuB2O3 and darker salts as NiB2O3.   See if you 
can spot a glow too.   Maybe it's Cherenkov radiation.   

Anyway, Have fun.  It's been interesting to see how much more bizarre this 
little experiment gets.


On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 8:54 PM, David Roberson <> wrote:

It is time for a change in my experimentation.  I spent a lot of time and 
energy with the sodium carbonate electrolyte and DC current without being able 
to report any proven excess power.  There is evidence that the Borax 
electrolyte might lead to more definitive results so that is what I began using 
again today.  Earlier I started using Borax after finding that table salt was a 
terribly corrosive material.  I used the Borax for several days as it slowly 
ate away at my positively connected electrodes before I decided to go to the 
sodium carbonate.  I stuck with the sodium carbonate for so long since I was 
mainly concerned about the hydrogen loading of the cathode which should have 
been similar with either electrolyte.

Today, I rewound a transformer to yield 21 volts AC RMS.  This is an ideal way 
to drive the system with AC since the transformer automatically isolates it 
from the AC mains and leads to a safe experiment.  I am using 21 volts because 
that is all I obtained with the transformer core with which I started when I 
placed as many turns as possible (36) in the secondary slot with the wire size 
that was convenient.  I was worried that this might not be enough voltage, but 
found that I could still drive the cell with between 1 and 2 amps RMS depending 
upon the spacing between the electrodes.

The joule losses within the transformer are quite low and it is in no danger of 
overheating.  The cell is receiving around 40 watts of power which is within 
reason.  I am using a Pyrex dish for my cell, the same one that I have been 
using for several days.  It is open and wide so the cell temperature is fairly 
low due to large heat loss.  I am curious as to whether or not I get the 
strange sparks that seemed so prevalent with my earlier DC system.  I have 
noticed that there is a lot less gas being released at the electrodes due to 
the AC drive current.

The AC drive current does not appear to cause the green deposits that were so 
evident with the DC current.  I initially allowed the green mess to be plated 
upon one of the test nickels attached to the positive DC supply connection.  
After a period of time the green material was shaken off and a dark deposit 
replaced it as the current increased.  I do not know what material is plating 
that nickel, but it allows for good conductivity.  I placed my old reliable 
nickel on the other electrode for the AC testing.  The poor nickel has been 
undergoing electrolysis for many days, has been heated red hot and quenched 5 
times, has been soaked in a mild acid for a couple of days, and then sanded to 
roughen its surface.  I am not sure what else I can do to make it more 





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