Jones can tell a bigger, bolder lie than anyone else I know. His chutzpah
is unbounded. He does not even bother to make the lie believable  He has
such contempt for you, the audience, that he does not bother to make the
lie seem credible. He reminds me of Soviet Era judges who would send people
to Siberia for the crime of destroying a bridge -- a bridge which stands
outside the courtroom, undamaged, in plain view through the window. Their
real message was: "I can say or do anything I like, no matter how absurd,
and you are powerless to stop me. You can't even object."

Here is one example of what Jones does; just one example of many --

Year after year, in lectures, papers and conversation he asserted that all
cold fusion excess heat results are artifacts of recombination. He said
that even when when McKubre and Storms used closed cells with recombiners;
even when the total output far exceeded I*V input; and even (I recall) of
heat after death. He was challenged again and again to explain that, in
person and in e-mail. He never responded.

This was not a smooth lie. It was not the least bit convincing to anyone
who understands what "recombination" means. He wasn't being serious,
because he does understand elementary science, after all. He said this only
to flummox rubes and reporters.

He and others also conducted absurd "experiments" to prove there might be
recombination in Miles' experiments. He reduced input power by a factor of
a thousand and used a cell of the wrong shape. Miles commented that Jones
might as well throw some platinum powder into the electrolyte while he is
at it.

This paper has several other brazen lies:

Jones should have been a politician.

I would not trust him as far as I can throw him.

- Jed

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