Interesting stuff (even to a completely ignorant one like me).  Have y'all
heard of  the work at Rice Univ. by Halas et al vaporizing (cold) water
directly in a couple seconds by various nanoparticles. In ACS Nano.

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 3:43 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <>wrote:

> I just remembered something that ties in with the 430Khz… and anomalous
> effects with water and piezos.****
> ** **
> When I was involved with the International Tesla Society back in the 80s,
> we would meet once a month to discuss fringe topics, and a few of the group
> were hacking together some experiments… nothing earth shattering ever came
> of their work that I know of.****
> ** **
> One of the regulars was a very introverted guy, physics degree, who was
> quite intelligent; worked in the semiconductor industry.  He told us about
> something he’d heard of a way to ‘aetherize’ water… went from liquid to
> ‘nothing’ w/o boiling… Had to use a fused quartz cylindrical tube (6”L by
> ~1.5” I.D.), water (pure?), 500+W signal generator hooked up to piezo
> transducer which was glued/epoxied to one open end of the quartz tube.
> Fill tube with water, but had to calc the wavelength of the sound wave and
> keep the water level at least at a multiple of the wavelength… what was the
> frequency????  ~*41Khz to 43Khz*!  Just a coincidence, I’m sure…****
> ** **
> Could it be done at any frequency so long as the height of the water
> column was a multiple of the wavelength of the sound waves generated by the
> piezo transducer?  Don’t think so… but we never got as far as trying it.  I
> moved out of the area and shortly thereafter the Tesla Society went
> belly-up.  Never heard anything more about it…****
> ** **
> Oh, the story was that it wasn’t a good idea to put your hand over the
> quartz tube when operating…. When the water ‘aetherized’, it pretty much
> instantly disappeared from the quartz tube, apparently as an
> ‘aether-bullet’, and put a hole thru whatever was in the ‘line of fire’
> (e.g., the ceiling and roof)…  yeah, that’s what I thought too, but the
> vids that Jones posted about Davey and WITTS, makes me wonder if that
> spherical stainless steel contraption is somewhat related… just slightly
> out-of-tune so as not to aetherize the water.****
> ** **
> It’s all about resonance…****
> ** **
> -Mark Iverson****
> ** **
> *From:* Jones Beene []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 21, 2012 2:10 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* RE: [Vo]:Steven Jones: Excess heat is real, but probably not
> nuclear****
> ** **
> Curiously, 430 kHz is also in the range which is considered to be
> ultrasound…****
> ** **
> That frequency turns up as a signature of one form of LENR, according to
> recent revelations - and it would be a mistake to over-generalize from that
> alone; but … there are a number of principles of reciprocity which turn up
> in electromagnetism, so it is not at stretch to imagine that this frequency
> would be of interest when used as input. ****
> ** **
> *From:* David Roberson ****
> ** **
> Thinking of acoustics....If the hemispheres are very accurately machined
> then any ultrasonic excitement of the surface that is symmetrical will form
> waves that collide at the center of the device.  ****
> ** **

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