Got from another LENR researcher:

"There are several reported values for the enthalpy of formation of  nickel
hydride with -8.8 kJ/mol being the lowest and -16.3 kJ/mol being the
highest at standard temperature and pressure."

He went on to show that given a wire containing 0.3g of Ni, enthalpy could
account for less than 10 watts for 10 seconds. I took away that no matter
how you torture the numbers, the resulting values are going to be orders of
magnitude too small to account for Celani-type results.

I have a spreadsheet with the calculations. If anyone wants to see it I'll
go back to him and ask him about sharing.


On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 9:44 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> At 09:17 PM 12/12/2012, Mark Gibbs wrote:
>> Something I haven't seen any discussion about is the amount of energy
>> required to load materials with hydrogen to be used in these various
>> LENR/CF devices. If that energy is taken into account, are the claims of
>> excess energy from the operation of the devices still valid?
>> [mg]
> This has been studied in great detail. However, there is a bit of a
> misunderstanding here. Loading of hydrogen or deuterium into palladium, for
> example, is exothermic. I'm not so sure about nickel.
> But, certainly in the study of the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect, the study
> has taken into account all the known chemistry. Further, many different
> types of controls have been used. And for frosting on the cake, again with
> the FPHE, helium has been measured and shown to be correlated with the
> excess energy. The value of the ratio is the value expected from the fusion
> of deuterium to helium, and this has been confirmed by a dozen research
> groups.
> Above I mention that the loading of deuterium into palladium is
> exothermic. So "heat after death" is particularly interesting, where cells
> develop very substantial anomalous heat when the electrolytic current,
> which is used to maintain high loading, is turned *off*. A lot of heat can
> appear, lasting for days, sometimes. At that point, the deuterium will
> start to deload, it's like evaporation, and like evaporation, this will
> *cool* the cathode.
> The skeptical answer to this has been the "cigarette lighter effect,"
> i.e., a claim that the deloading deuterium is combusting. But there isn't
> enough oxygen there for that. This would quickly extinguish itself, if it
> were happening.
> Look, cold fusion was discovered by expert chemists. They actually did,
> Mark, know what they were talking about. Pons and Fleischmann were not
> physicists and they had no experience measuring neutrons, but they thought
> they could trust a neutron meter. No. So they ended up with egg on their
> faces from making a claim about neutron radiation that any expert
> physicists, experienced with measuring neutrons, would not have made.
> But Fleischmann was the world's foremost experts on electrochemistry, and
> the calorimetry they used was about the best ever done. They were measuring
> heat to the milliwatt. Their work has been confirmed with many different
> approaches, and imagining that such an obvious error as forgetting to allow
> for whatever went into the cell would be made by so many experts -- cold
> fusion researchers are *mostly* expert chemists -- is rather naive.
> Something that is overlooked is that the FPHE is set up by loading
> palladium with deuterium. That is an energy-producing process, but
> maintaining the electrolysis for a long time does consume energy. That
> energy ends up as the potential energy of separated hydrogen/deuterium and
> oxygen. If that's allowed to escape, and if it were not accounted for, it
> would be negative XP. Open cells, like those of Pons and Fleischmann, are
> pretty complex to analyze, partly because of this. SRI International, which
> was hired by the Electric Power Research Institute in 1989 to research cold
> fusion, built their own calorimeter, and it was not as sensitive as the
> work done by P&F, but it was basically bulletproof, flow calorimetry,
> running at constant temperature, not vulernable to calibration problems (on
> the other hand, P&F calibrated their calorimetry with a resistor pulse
> every day). SRI, and many researchers, use a recombiner in the cell, which
> essentially burns the generated gas in the cell, recovering that energy, so
> there is no need to compensate for it. There does need to be an accounting
> for orphaned oxygen, but, again, that is a negative contribution to
> anomalous power. It represents unrecombined gas that has stored up so much
> energy.
> People have gone over the calorimetry in this work with a fine-tooth comb.
> Minor errors have been claimed or identified, but the basic cold fusion
> calorimetry work stands, and if you can figure out a way that helium just
> happens to match, with the FPHE, heat from the calorimetry, other than
> having a common cause, well, you have a much better imagination than I. It
> doesn't merely correlate, it correlates at the fusion value. That would
> ordinarily be considered totally conclusive. Skeptics have independently
> challenged the calorimetry and, as well, the helium measurements, claiming
> that it might be leakage, but what I've seen is that the skeptics ignore
> the correlation, which actually acts to confirm both the heat and helium
> measurements, at least in round outlines.
> Mark, if you want to know the science here, read Storms, "Status of cold
> fusion (2010)" in Naturwissenschaften. There is a preprint on
> That's a peer-reviewed review of the field in a mainstream
> journal, established in 1913, now owned by Springer-Verlag and operated as
> their "flagship multidisciplinary journal." That's the state of the
> science. The extreme skeptical view disappeared from the journals long ago,
> there have been 16 positive reviews of cold fusion in mainstream journals
> since 2005.
> Obviously, a lot of people haven't gotten the message. However,
> scientifically, it's all over. Now, that does *not* automatically result in
> practical devices. It's somewhat possible, though probably unlikely, that
> the original cold fusion with PdD will *never* be practical. I'd love to
> think that Nickel hydride approaches will work, because they would be much
> cheaper, but there is nowhere near the level of scientific confirmation for
> them as for palladium hydride. We don't know the ash, for example, like we
> do for palladium deuteride.
> But cold fusion is real, at least with palladium deuteride, and probably
> with other approaches as well. By the way, above I discussed electrolytic
> loading. Gas loading has also been done with palladium deuteride, and there
> is no "input energy." When the palladium material is loaded with gas, it
> gets hot from the heat of formation of palladium deuteride, which is a
> chemical effect. That heat cools down fairly rapidly, and with appropriate
> materials, what continues is anomalous. It's not been a lot of heat, but it
> is not there with hydrogen. And it accumulates as to energy generated, it's
> very significant. These things stay warm for a long time, long after the
> chemical heat has died away.
> In some of the nickel hydrogen experiments that you have been looking at,
> there are lots of questions about the calorimetry, this is much shakier
> work than the solid and very careful palladium deuteride work of Pons and
> Fleischmann, McKubre of SRI, and others. It's investigational work, that's
> why it's shaky. Quick and dirty. Efforts are underway to do this work
> (Celanni in particular) with better calorimetry. But the idea that energy
> to load would not be considered was, as I wrote, naive. And it is not
> necessarily relevant.
> Generally, all energy input to these experiments is recorded and
> considered.

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