Jeff Berkowitz <> wrote:

The difference between T_Mica and T_GlassIn seems to be about 5 degrees
> larger than it was during calibration.

I suppose . . . if all of the temperature sensors show an increase except
T_Glassin, that sensor might be malfunctioning. But I doubt it. When a
sensor malfunctions it generally drifts, or it shows zero, or some random
number. It does not usually show the same value it did during calibration.
In this case, if the thing is malfunctioning it is too low. Meaning it
drifted down. It should keep going down, lower and lower.

This is not good news. In calorimeters of this general design that I know
of, such the ones Mel Miles made where he measured the temperature at the
cell wall, temperatures everywhere rise when heat increases. They may not
all rise the same degree, but they rise proportionally. You do not see one
sensor showing the same temperature as before.

I have no idea why it might be doing this, but it does seem like an
artifact. As I said before, the highly stable output that turns on right
away also makes me think it is an artifact.

- Jed

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