Here is how guile is defined:

Noun 1. guile - shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception
     craftiness, cunning, foxiness, slyness, wiliness, craft
astuteness, perspicaciousness, perspicacity, shrewdness - intelligence manifested by being astute (as in business dealings)
    2. guile - the quality of being crafty
     deceitfulness, craftiness
disingenuousness - the quality of being disingenuous and lacking candor 3. guile - the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them)
     chicanery, wile, shenanigan, trickery, chicane
     dissimulation, deception, dissembling, deceit - the act of deceiving
dupery, hoax, put-on, humbug, fraud, fraudulence - something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage jugglery - artful trickery designed to achieve an end; "the senator's tax program was mere jugglery"

My friend, what you did is known as "guile". Guile is a form of lying. It is condemed in the Bible and equated to outright lying. But apparently, by your own testimony of having commited it in Wikipedia, you have no problem with it. OK. I'm not surprised.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 6:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

At 01:12 AM 12/26/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
My friend, just because your morality allows you to troll and lie in wikipedia does not mean that I am like you.

I never lied on Wikipedia. I did one action that I allowed as a form of trolling. It's more like what a soldier might do in a war, present himself as a target so that a sniper betrays his position. There was no lying involved, and the purpose wasn't actually to outrage.

The action itself was completely legitimate. In fact, here it is:

A talk page edit, not actually controversial, just providing information.

It worked. The admin took the bait, following his ego. And he lost his privileges as a result. My purpose was to allow him to do that, to take himself out of the Wikipedia adminstrative corps, where he'd been doing damage for years. Mostly, Jojo's not realized this, he'd been acting to harass and ban global warming skeptics, but he was also generally allied with the pseudoskeptics when it comes to anything fringe or psychic. He was famous, probably the most famous abusive Wikipedia administrator.

There was no purpose to insult him. The edit had nothing to do with him, except that he'd declared a total ban, something he did not actually have the authority to do. And we were in the middle of a case, over whether the ban was legitimate. His action showed a total loss of balance, and even his friends were backpedalling, distancing themselves from it.

Stop the off-topic posts and I will go away never to post here again, but I will read. I am sacrificing my participation, my chance to ask questions if the chronic off-topic violators would simply stop their abuses. JUST DO IT.

"Off-topic posts" are not going to stop, period. These threads might stop. But these threads are maintained by Jojo's continued insistence on the points he makes in them.

Clearly you understood Bill's no off-topic rule cause you quoted parts of it here and still claim that I am lying about it. You are such a blatant liar. I'm not surprised.

I quoted the rules, and I didn't just quote parts, I quoted the entire set, as far as I know. I don't recall having say that Jojo was lying about the rules, only that they don't contain what he claimed. Since I don't know if he even read the rules recently, I have no idea whether he lied or not. He was merely incorrect or misled.

I'm leaving the relevant part of the post to which Jojo was responding, so that it can be seen that he is incorrect in his claim that I said he was lying about the rules. I don't see any reference to lying. When he said I "still claimed" that he was "lying," was he lying, or was he so engaged in his anger and attack that he wasn't aware of what was in front of him?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age
If Bill changes the rules, I will follow. But in the meantime, people should follow his rules and not "make it up as we go" - as famously said by one chronic off-topic poster here.


So, what are the rules? I don't know if they have been changed, but below is what I was sent. There *are* rules that could easily be applied to this situation. Some of the rules were obviously written long ago, because behind some of the rules are conditions that used to apply, that hardly ever apply any more. "Off-topic" isn't a rule, per se. What is there related to that is

3. Small email files please.  The limit is set to 40K right now, those
   exceeding the limit will be forwarded to Bill Beaty.  If you wish to
   start extremely off-topic discussions, please feel free to exchange
initial messages on vortex-L, but MOVE THE DISCUSSION TO PRIVATE MAIL IMMEDIATELY. Some members are on limited service, or have to pay for received email. Diagrams and graphics can be mailed to me and posted
   on a webpages for temporary viewing.

In other words, "starting extremely off-topic discussions" is specifically allowed, but the instruction is to "move these to private email immediately." That does not resolve a certain problem, where a poster has posted something to the list which is broadly offensive. It assumes what is really a private discussion that merely starts here.

I'm not "discussing" with Jojo, not any more. I responding to his egregiously offensive claims here that attack all Muslims and what they believe, that attack the President of the United States, that attack almost the entire community of climate scientists, and that personally attack and deliberately insult anyone who dares to disagree with him, including many long-term participants on this list, such as Jed Rothwell.

He's acknowledged it, even today. This is what he does. He escalates.

I have *not* started these off-topic threads, generally. Only very recently, I started *this thread* and the like, to address the problem of massive trolling. That's been made necessary by administrative neglect. Bill is obviously busy elsewhere. I highly recommend that he delegate some of the list responsibilities, he could overrule a moderator decision if necessary. Frankly, I hope he's okay.

The rule that is really more on-point is NO SNEERING. And that rule has been *routinely* violated by Jojo. He'll claim the same about me, I'm sure, but he also claims that about many here. He perceives sneering at the drop of a phrase. And his response is to sneer back, escalated, drastically. And Jojo sneers spontaneously, with no apparent trigger to justify "sneering back."

The rules:

[and then I quoted the whole welcome message]



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