Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:

> Natural Selection is not Random Process. Nor are there exabytes of
> information encoded in our DNA, at least not in a single copy of our set.
> It's far, far less than that.

The human genome is around 1.5 GB according to this source:


It couldn't be exabytes because it was sequenced by 2002, when
exabyte-scale storage did not exist. I doubt they stored the raw data the
sequence was derived from.

The entire genome is copied in every cell, so the total amount of
information per body is ~1.5 GB * 100 trillion cells per body. That would
be 140,000 exabytes (136 zettabytes).

Abd is correct that natural selection is not a random process. This is a
widespread misunderstanding.

- Jed

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