"Perhaps quantum mechanics is the process that arranges the loan." - Well said, 
and perhaps cavity QED allows these thousands of electrons to participate as a 
virtual body in the reaction.

From: David Roberson [mailto:dlrober...@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 3:40 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Chemonuclear Transitions

2000 electrons?  I expect that this many would do the trick.  If one can help a 
bit, then 2000 would help a lot more.  The end result I suspect is that the 
Coulomb energy must be absorbed from this group by some means if only for a 
brief period.  The fusion event would repay the loan with interest.  Perhaps 
quantum mechanics is the process that arranges the loan.


-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com<mailto:janap...@gmail.com>>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>>
Sent: Fri, Jan 25, 2013 3:31 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Chemonuclear Transitions
Quantum mechanics lives in the realm of the wave. The electron will exert it 
influence on the positive charge nucleus in bits and pieces.

Take a look at this to give your imagination a brake:


The Thomas-Fermi formula is a more general potential than the Coulomb's 

For the nonlinear Thomas-Fermi formula, solving these simultaneously can be 
difficult, and usually there is no analytical solution. However, the linearized 
formula has a simple solution:
 R= (Q/r)((e)exp(-kr))

With k=0 (no screening), this becomes the familiar Coulomb's 

The infuence of about 2000 electrons near the site of fusion will lower the 
coulomb barrier.

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 3:01 PM, David Roberson 
<dlrober...@aol.com<mailto:dlrober...@aol.com>> wrote:
That is an interesting complication Axil.  There is no doubt that the electrons 
can act as a screen of the electric field to an extent.  Once, I tried to get a 
handle upon the magnitude of this effect from a simple mental model point of 
view and a few things seemed to show up.   The COE and COM like to make it 
difficult to visualize.  I placed an electron between two protons and realized 
that as long as the electron was in the middle, there was no Coulomb barrier to 
counter since the negative charge exerted a slightly larger pull than the 
opposite positive charge repelled as the combination gets smaller.

This model leads to an interesting idea.  If the electron could be judiciously 
placed precisely between the protons, there would be no net force acting upon 
it.  If we then allow the protons to slowly come together, there would be no 
net energy imparted upon the electron as the system shrinks.   Each proton 
would actually be drawn towards the other one and a small amount of energy 
would be imparted upon each.  This is due to the fact that the electron charge 
is closer to the proton charge than is the other positive repelling charge.

This process could be continued until something gives.  A net amount of energy 
is given to the protons as they head towards each other.  The electron is 
merely kept in the center without expending any energy.
Now, if the electron squirts out of the line at right angles to the axis 
between the protons, then it must be given energy equal to the amount of 
Coulomb energy that it helped overcome as the protons came towards each other.  
 This would be expected if the electron were to escape the vicinity.  The 
protons would then possess the same amount of energy that they would have 
obtained had they not had the electron to help.

If an electron could be coaxed into this behavior and remain between the proton 
pair until the group merges, then fusion would be common.  Since this is not 
true, one must assume that the electron diverts at some point.   Perhaps a 
gamma ray comes along to set it free, but more likely, quantum mechanics 
intervenes and the electron begins some form of orbital motion around one or 
both protons.  Unless the orbit that it settles within allows for the release 
of extremely high energy, then the protons are not close enough to fuse.  I 
suspect that a process of this general nature might lower the net Coulomb 
barrier to a degree, but I have no idea how much.

I began to think of a multiple electron case, but grew weary as my mind wasted 


-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com<mailto:janap...@gmail.com>>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>>
Sent: Fri, Jan 25, 2013 2:21 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Chemonuclear Transitions
For one, it is not possible for an alpha with that total energy to be released.
I would like to introduce a complicating factor: electron screening..
Both the cross section of alpha decay and nuclear fusion can be significantly 
reduced by electron screening.
In fact I believe that the helium 4 seen in cold fusion experiments are many 
times derived from enhanced alpha emissions from high Z elements rather than 
fusion of hydrogen.
In the presence of an electron cloud, the consideration of the coulomb barrier 
potential must be replaced by the Tomas Fermi potential to account for electron 
Furthermore In astrophysics, cross sections of low energy fusion events can 
increase by a factor of one million based on the extent of electron screening 
around the fusion site. In fact, it is impossible to experimentally produce 
correct stellar fusion reaction cross sections because both theory and 
experiment is not able to explain astrophysical fusion based observations due 
to the electron screening problem.
Astrophysics uses the Trojan horse approximation to get around this electron 
screening conundrum.

Cheers:  Axil

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 1:17 PM, David Roberson 
<dlrober...@aol.com<mailto:dlrober...@aol.com>> wrote:
Sometimes the emails do get crossed up with the number of responses.  In this 
particular case I think that my input helped to clarify the problem to many 
others who may be following this discussion.  My choice of observation 
locations proves that there are two bodies or body equivalents that must exit 
the reaction.  Now it is plain for all to see that it is not possible for an 
alpha particle to be the only result since I have demonstrated that the 
conservation of momentum would be violated it this were to happen.

Before my mental example, it was just a statement that was difficult to defend. 
 Now we can more readily understand the type of reaction that must take place 
in this form of fusion.  For one, it is not possible for an alpha with that 
total energy to be released.  If we could get a measure of the energy of the 
alphas that actually are emitted, then that information can be directly used to 
calculate the transferred momentum and energy which is received by the matrix.  
Now, I have shown that some reactionary force is required through which the 
energy and momentum is transferred to the system.  This is an important 
observation in my opinion.

It is good that the members of vortex-l can discuss issues of this nature since 
much is not known about the reactions that take place.  Sometimes a small spark 
of incite at the correct moment will lead to added knowledge.  Perhaps others 
now will realize that what I have written here is educational.  The next time, 
they might use my ideal observation location or something of a similar nature 
to understand other physics problems.  Had I written a paper, it is likely that 
I would have overlooked this particular tidbit of knowledge and left out a 
major issue that should have been considered.

So, I suggest that we continue to engage in similar discussions within vortex 
and enlarge our knowledge base since no one person is required to be the holder 
of all that is important.   Knowledge is always advancing as more minds are 

I vote for open discussion within vortex.  And, my post was not a waste of 
anybodies time.  Proof of this assertion will be from this point forth since 
most of those engaged in the current discussion will now understand the issue 
of energy and momentum requirements.


-----Original Message-----
From: Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com<mailto:stor...@ix.netcom.com>>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>>
Cc: Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com<mailto:stor...@ix.netcom.com>>
Sent: Fri, Jan 25, 2013 12:12 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Chemonuclear Transitions
The problem with such exchanges is that the messages to different people cross 
so that I have to explain the same thing several times, which is a waste of 
time. That is why I write papers so that everyone can study the same 

On Jan 25, 2013, at 9:51 AM, David Roberson wrote:

Ed, I am confused by your statement that cold fusion is a 2-body to 1 body 
reaction.  I see two reaction components unless I am missing something.  One is 
the alpha particle and the other appears in the form of mass released as energy 
into the surrounding structure.

The energy release must result from emission of something. Normally in hot 
fusion, the release results from emission of a strong gamma when He4 forms. 
This gamma is not present when He4 forms during cold fusion. Why not? The 
mechanism of energy transfer is obviously not conventional, yet it must be 
consistent with the law of conservation of momentum.  I try to solve this 
problem in my theory. Most people ignore the issue.


Every observer must see that the laws of physics apply to what he sees.  My 
favorite point is to be located precisely between the two protons as they head 
toward each other with exactly the same energy.  In this location an observer 
sees that a finite amount of kinetic energy is measured for the two particles 
and that there is exactly zero momentum for the equal velocity pair.  When they 
collide together, there is no motion required for the resulting alpha particle 
until it releases the excess energy.  When that energy is finally emitted in 
some form, then a reaction force would result in relative motion of the alpha 
particle.  In this manner, both conservation of energy as well as conservation 
of momentum is shown.

In my experience, when these laws are seen by any one observer, then they are 
true for all of the others.  Do you see a hole in this argument?  How are the 
laws true for others but not for the one ideally located?


-----Original Message-----
From: Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com<mailto:stor...@ix.netcom.com>>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>>
Cc: Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com<mailto:stor...@ix.netcom.com>>
Sent: Fri, Jan 25, 2013 10:38 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Chemonuclear Transitions
The human mind is able to imagine endless possibilities. In order to make any 
progress, a triage must be done by eliminating the ideas that are so improbable 
or so illogical that they have very little chance of being correct. That is 
what I'm attempting to do.

In any case, several basic rules MUST be considered. Hot fusion is a 
conventional 2 body-2 body reaction as is required to carry away the energy and 
momentum. Cold fusion is a 2-body to 1 body reaction that violates this 
condition. That violation MUST be acknowledged and explained.

People are not free to imaginary any thing. Certain rules are known to apply. 
These rules are so basic that they MUST not be ignored.

Ed Storms
On Jan 25, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

d+d=n+He3 and d+d=t+p

What about d+d+...+d=? We don't know. This is what many many particle models 
ends up being. Theyare  hot fusion. The only difference it is that there are 
many, more than 2>, incoming  nuclei to fuse. You cannot do that in experiments 
using colliders, it is too unlikely. So, you cannot say that cold fusion is any 
different than hot fusion that easily.

2013/1/25 Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com<mailto:stor...@ix.netcom.com>>
Yes, people try to explain LENR using the behavior described in the paper.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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