This installment of my simulation explanation will likely be the last unless 
something of general interest arises.  The earlier posts described what the 
variables were and how to obtain them from the downloaded data from the MFMP 
site.  The data from that source is used to directly calculate the a,b, and c 
coefficients as well as obtain a starting point estimate for the Pin variable.  
I have intentionally chosen a set of transformed curve axis such that the 
original 'c' coefficient is zeroed out.  When this condition exists, the 
modified constant coefficient term of the final quadratic expression reduces to 
just c'= Pin/Cap.

A review of the various variables show that there are related to either the 
static power output versus temperature equation or the time domain portion.  
Please note that I tend to use the terms Pin and Pout interchangeably since the 
calibration is expected to be performed without excess heat being generated by 
the device so they would be equal under that condition.

Static variables are a, b, c, Kint, and Pin.  All five of these terms are 
derived from static calibration measurements of the downloaded data.  If you 
review the installments below you will see how these terms are obtained.  Pin 
is self evident since that is the input power applied to the device.   The a,b, 
and c were generated by a graph trend line second order fit relating the 
temperature of the outer glass test point to the power input.  I have chosen to 
make the temperature the X variable and the power input as the Y variable.  The 
Kint is determined by the initial temperature and associated power from which 
the step emerges.  For instance, if you begin with an input power of 10 watts 
and proceed to 30 watts, the Kint value is adjusted to match the beginning 
simulation temperature associated with the 10 watt power level.

The other two variables, Cap and TC, are related to the time varying behavior 
of the simulation.  The value of Cap is directly related to the energy storage 
mechanism of the cell.  If you know the temperature rise required to store a 
certain number of joules of energy, then you can calculate the equivalent Cap.  
This value also is the one that I use when I simulate the behavior with a spice 
program.  The TC variable is used to represent the delay that occurs between 
the calculated exponentially rising curve that represents the solution to the 
differential equation and the monitor point chosen to sample that variable.  
When an input step of power is applied to the cell, there is essentially no 
delay before the internal energy of the cell begins to rise.  For this reason 
the calculated simulation curve begins to immediately rise in synchronization 
to the power step.  But, the temperature at the outer glass monitor takes time 
to respond to this drive.  Also, there is quantization error in the time steps 
that are included within the downloaded data.  It is not unusual to see these 
steps 8 seconds or more apart.  This throws an extra unknown that needs to be 
compensated for in order to get excellent temperature tracking.  Note that I 
transform the time axis so that time equals zero when the power step is applied.

There is much more information that could be written about the operation of the 
program, but this will have to suffice for now.

The optimization of the variables is a key operation to perform when using my 
simulation tool.  You should note that I am performing an LMS curve fit to get 
the best match of program run to input data.  I calculate the 'sum of the 
differences squared' for this operation.  The actual number and location in 
time of the sum terms can be adjusted depending upon where you are most 
interesting in the matching of the data.  Most of the time the input data is 
limited to a thousand points or less and I use all of the available pairs for 
the optimization.  On occasion, I am interested in the initial rising edge of 
the transient response, particularly if it appears as though excess power is 
being generated that increased with time.  I ask the program to fit the 
starting edge and then observe how quickly the excess power is increasing or 
decreasing with time.

For the present argument let's assume that we have data to fit which is well 
behaved with time.  I typically enter the Pin variable to the step final level. 
 It is generally possible to estimate the Kint to generate a curve that begins 
somewhat near the actual value demonstrated by the measured data.  If I feel 
like playing around a bit, I just optimize the Kint with Excel solver so that 
the initial temperature calculated by my program matches the downloaded data.  
This works very well provided that you also have entered the Pin before the 
optimization begins.  After this step is completed, a curve could be displayed 
that is reasonably close to the actual physical run.  But, we want to know more 
accurately what the actual power input really is (here I refer to Pin plus 
Pexcess) as well as to obtain a close fit for the displayed curve and the real 

The data solver in Excel does a remarkable job of adjusting the variables so 
that the calculated curve matches the downloaded one.  I just optimize the LMS 
value toward 0 by allowing solver to vary the Pin, Kint, Cap, and TC.  It plugs 
away for a few seconds and then tells me it can not find a perfect match.  
Generally the match is quite good however so I accept the values that solver 
finds and the task is completed.  A plot of the error function demonstrates how 
closely the delayed function matches the real life values and it typically 
looks flat with the exception of noise that is riding upon the input data.  I 
include a simple one pole RC equivalent filter to smooth the displayed data.  
The RC can be adjusted to either increase or decrease the smoothing and I 
generally place the variable below a graph that displays both filtered and raw 
error signals.  I like to plot a second graph which shows the raw temperature 
data, calculated curve, and the delayed curve versus time.  In this manner, it 
is possible to review how well the program generated fit matches the real life 
data.   If for some reason something looks strange in the output, you have a 
display that helps debug the operation.  It is seldom necessary for me to need 
to debug the curve fitting, but it is comforting to know that the file 
performed as required.

When the optimization is completed, you will see that the Pin variable has been 
modified from what you initially entered.  A stable calibrated run generally 
yields a final value that is within a few tenths of a watt from the downloaded 
data provided the calibration run is accurate and good values determined for a, 
b, and c.  This operation can actually be used to verify that you in fact do 
have accurate values for the parameters and is thus valuable.  If you know that 
there is no excess power being generated due to the set up, then I would expect 
an accurate match to Pin.  One of the beauties of this technique is that in the 
future, if the calibration drifts, the program will clearly show that fact.  
The Pin will not match up to what is known to be used in that case.

Once the program is calibrated and matches a calibration step accurately, then 
you are ready to measure excess power.  Just enter the latest downloaded data 
that might have excess power contained within and let the program do its 
optimization as described above.  The Pin that the program estimates is then 
modified by the additional power due to LENR and shows up as perturbation away 
from the ideal curve fit at points in time that correspond to excess power or 
absorbed power.  So, you can see variation in average Pin as the modification 
to the actual Pin given with the data set, as well as see where the curves 
divert from each other indicating heat that is produced.

Once you have performed several curve fits, you will become comfortable with 
the best procedure and gain confidence in your usage of the program.  There is 
no substitute for taking the time to learn by trying since supplying the best 
description for the operation of my program is difficult at best.  Ask 
questions either in private or in this list and I will answer in like fashion.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Roberson <>
To: dlroberson <>
Sent: Sat, Jan 19, 2013 9:52 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Simulation of Celani Replication by MFMP

This is the third installment of my explanation of how to use my simulation 
program.  The last time I left those interested with a task of determining the 
roots of the primed coefficients.  Those primed values are in the last 
installment which is below this one.  The solution to the quadratic equation 
yields a first root that is positive referred to as R2 = 181.2596.  The 
negative root of the equation yields R1 = -350.751.  Next, there is an 
additional value required to simulate the cell behavior and I refer to it as 
Wreal.  This is the actual real frequency of the fundamental exponential 
natural response.  The solution consists of this fundamental frequency plus an 
infinite series of its harmonics that all contribute to the time domain 
response.  In actuality, only the first few terms are important as each falls 
off rapidly due to the affect of the integration constant Kint.

You calculate the Wreal with the following terms.  Wr= square root of ( b' ^2  
-  4 * a'  * c').  Using the values given below of a'=-6.4 E-6, b'= -.00109, 
and c'= .409318 one obtains a Wr = .003425.  I have mentioned an exponential 
time constant that the curves follow in earlier posts which is the inverse of 
this term, in this case it is 1 / .003425 which is 291.96 seconds.  This should 
not be confused with the delay TC below.

Once the 5 values discussed have been determined you can generate the actual 
time domain curve that the outer glass temperature follows (or any other with 
proper adjustments).  It is best to generate the curve in two steps so that the 
internal energy storage mechanism is followed by the delay associated with the 
monitor point.  Using two steps permits you to observe the operation of the 
test device and ensure that nothing weird is fouling up your end results.

The equation for the first step is as follows: F(t) = R2 - (R2 - R1) * ( e ^ 
(-1.0 * Wr * t + Kint) ) / ( 1 - e^ (-1.0 * Wr * t + Kint)  ).  Careful 
observation of this equation demonstrates that the value of R2 is the 
temperature that the device obtains after a long time has elapsed and the 
transient portion of the equation approaches a value of zero.  The Kint is the 
integration constant and in this case is a negative number of the following 
value; Kint = -1.63. Please refer to the other variable values in the 
paragraphs above.

You most likely noticed the ratio of exponential terms and wonder how that 
results in an infinite series of harmonics.  This is how it works.  1 / ( 1 - 
X) is equal to( 1 + X + X^2 + X^3 + ...).  If you then multiply this by X you 
end up with ( X + X^2 + X^3 + X^4 + ...).  As long as you restrict the value of 
X to below 1, the series converges.  In our case the X is replaced by the 
exponential term which is e^(-1.0 * Wr * t + Kint).  If you experiment with 
this relationship you can see the range of values that Kint can have which 
results in a convergent series.

Once you have generated the time domain expression above and entered it into 
Excel along with a time axis, you are most of the way there.  You can plot the 
value of F(t) versus time and observe how the internal temperature of the cell 
behaves.  We see an attenuated version of the actual temperature that exists 
within the cell due to heat flow through thermal resistances.  It is not clear 
exactly what the internal temperature reaches, but I suspect that the un 
attenuated value is related to the gas temperature itself.  It is suggested 
that the mica might be a bit higher due to conduction and radiation from the 
heated wires but I can only speculate about this issue.   Some of the time 
domain runs of my program simulating the mica temperature have a characteristic 
that tends to support this hypothesis.

The power applied to the cell can not have a delay directly applied to it since 
the energy instantly begins to appear within the cell.  For example, if you 
apply 100 watts of input power then 100 joules per second of energy starts to 
flow into the cell heating it up.  I realize that there is inductance in the 
leads as well as capacitance to ground that do cause delays in the microsecond 
range, but we are monitoring operation that is measured in the many seconds 
time frame so I use the word instant with a wink.  My favorite monitor point is 
the outer glass temperature and this reading is subject to a relatively long 
heating delay before the glass reflects the internal temperature.  Each 
temperature monitor has a different delay associated with it and I have 
experimented with them all and find the outer glass the easiest to work with.

A time constant that reflects the heating delay of the monitor point must be 
added after the differential equation solution to obtain excellent temperature 
tracking.    I accomplish this function by including a very simple single pole 
low pass digital delay mechanism.  The end result of this operation is that the 
input waveform is subjected to a low pass filter with a delay equal to the 
TC(time constant) discussed below.  I think this function is pretty much self 
explanatory and I will leave it up to you to follow its operation by reviewing 
the Excel file that I have deposited in the newvortex-moderated group.  If you 
have difficulty finding this file, email me and I will be happy to assist.

This is a good stopping point for this installment.  In the next one I will 
talk about how to manipulate the file to obtain the best curve tracing which 
allows excellent observation of the cell performance.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Roberson <>
To: dlroberson <>
Sent: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 10:43 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Simulation of Celani Replication by MFMP

It is a good time to add another installment to my explanation of the 
simulation program for the Celani replication cells.  A review of the original 
attached post should be conducted prior to attempting to follow this latest one.

I am assuming that you now have obtained values that I label a,b, and c from 
the Excel trend line associated with data pairs of glass outer surface 
temperature as the X variable and power input as Y.  A typical set of values is 
a=.001719, b=.291356, and c=-7.52999.  These were obtained from a recent 
calibration test run and are representative.

I want to introduce 4 additional variables that you will use to complete the 
simulation.  The first is Pin, which is self explanatory.  This variable is 
actually inputted as the power applied at the step up.  The solution that I am 
introducing with this series is only good for a step up in power.  Another 
exists for a step down, but I am concentrating upon the increases in power 
currently.  Later I can post the alternate step if anyone is particularly 
interested.  A typical value for Pin is 101.7589 watts as a maximum.  It is 
best to include a power that falls within the range of the calibration data 

The second new variable is Cap.  This is the actual capacitance that appears 
within my spice simulation that matches the Excel curve quite well.  The value 
is closely associated with the energy storage mechanism within the cell and 
determines how quickly the reflected temperature within the cell rises as a 
result of the addition of extra input energy.  For a recent run this value was 
determined to be 267 Farads.

The third variable I am introducing is named Kint.  This variable is the 
constant of integration that is obtained when the differential equation is 
integrated.  The value is instrumental in establishing the initial condition of 
the curve at t=0.  The solution begins at a temperature that is associated with 
 Kint and proceeds toward its final steady state value as time approaches 
infinity.  A typical value for Kint is -1.63.

The last variable needed to simulate the cell temperature as a function of time 
is named TC(time constant).  I analyzed the behavior of the temperature curves 
at each of the various test points such as mica, well and glass out.  It was 
apparent that the effective internal temperature of the cell was displayed at 
each of these points after a time delay that depended upon how long it takes to 
heat up the monitor point to a stable value.  The behavior is exactly that same 
as a low pass filter with a cutoff frequency associated with TC.  For this 
reason I have included a simple one pole filter equivalent that lines up the 
edges to obtain excellent accuracy.  For a recent test run the value that I 
found for TC was 52.8 seconds.

The next step I perform is to transform the original a,b, and c values to a new 
set that I call the prime set for convenience.  I do this to allow me to reduce 
the errors that tend to creep up when too many variables show up in the 
calculation cells of Excel.  The transform is quite simple in this case.  The 
a' value is -1.0*a/Cap.  The b'=-1.0*b/Cap, and the c' is obtained as follows: 
c'=(Pin - c) / Cap.  For the program run I am using as an example the actual 
values determined for these transforms are a' = -6.4 E -6, b' = -.00109, and c' 
= .409318.

Now that all the variables have been introduced and typical values listed, it 
is time to take the next step.  Start by finding the roots to the quadratic 
equation formed by using the prime values listed above.  I call these roots R1 
and R2.  I consider R2 the most interesting one and it has a positive value 
that equals the steady state temperature that the cell reaches after a long 
time has elapsed.  I will allow interested persons to calculate these for 
themselves for a bit of practice.

This is a good point to break for this installment since questions may arise 
that need to be answered before I proceed.  Anyone wanting to duplicate my 
process should have calculated the values of the roots, R1 and R2 and have 
initial estimates for Kint as well as TC.  The typical values shown are 
obtained from my program FC0103 (29) for my reference.

Let me know if any questions arise.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Roberson <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 5:02 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Simulation of Celani Replication by MFMP

Recently I have been simulating the time domain response of the Celani 
replication cells that are being tested by the MFMP and am getting excellent 
results.  My purpose is to detect any excess power that may emanate from the 
cells as the temperature sweeps upwards due to power increases.  I suspect that 
the time domain behavior will be dramatically different if additional power is 
effectively added to the drive as a result of excess power generation.

My hypothesis is yet to be confirmed and I felt like it was time to reveal my 
process for others to share the fun and help with the large amount of data that 
is coming available.  I hope to publish several posts as time permits that will 
allow other interested parties to duplicate my system and perhaps find answers 
to a few questions that remain.

For this particular description I am using Excel, in others I have used LTSpice 
and the results agree to a reasonable level of confidence.  I also, generated a 
simple numerical integration procedure which also matched the others.  Three 
different techniques that demonstrate very similar results must be good for 
something.  And, they fall closely to the calibration data on the MFMP site.

The technique to be described is the solution to a non linear differential 
equation of the following form: dx/(a*x^2+b*x+c)=dt .  The closed form solution 
to this equation is in the form of an exponential series similar to this:  
x(t)=k1 + k2*(e^(w*t+c1) + (e^(w*t+c1))^2 + (e^(w*t+c1))^3 +.....).  This mess 
can be simplified to an equation of this sort:  x(t)=k3 + 
k4*(e^(w*t+c1))/(1-e^(w*t+c1)) which is how I enter the information into my 
Excel chart.

Notice that there are two pieces to the solution, one is a constant and the 
second one is the transient behavior.  The constant is that actual final value 
that the temperature reaches if a very long time is applied to the system 
allowing the transient portion to approach zero.  The second part fades away 
with time, and as a result will follow a certain path that can be carefully 
matched to the real world revealing any excess heating.

I should mention that I have been forced to add a short lived transient to the 
equation solution to counter the initial edge delay which does not appear 
normally with the exponential expression.  On some of my testing, I have just 
waited out the time required for this transient to pass so that I do not have 
to include it.  The time constant is typically 30 to 40 seconds, but depends 
upon the cell design.  It would be a good exercise for others to speculate as 
to what causes this delay.  My current thoughts are that it is the time 
required for a pulse of heat added to the cell to mix within the gas and 
finally impact the outside glass.

To replicate my file, you need to find values for the constants of the 
equation: P(T)=a*T^2+b*T+c.  Where P(T) is power as a function of the Outside 
Glass Temperature(T) of the cell.  These coefficients can be easily determined 
by analyzing a calibration run for the cell of interest.  I obtain the data 
from the live feed of the MFMP site averaged over a 30 second window.  They 
usually start with a step of very nearly 0 watts and the associated temperature 
at the outer glass wall and then step the input power upwards until they reach 
about 103 watts.  This procedure yields several steps and thus pairs of values 
that can then be placed into a X-Y chart.  I take my readings generally from 
the second to last constant input power point proceeding a power step upwards.

I like to use the individual point plot for the X-Y plot so that it is clear 
where the trend line intercepts these for an indication of a good curve match.  
Open the chart modification box with the trend line options showing and select 
polynomial of second order.  Choose to show the equation on your chart as well 
as the R^2 value for confirmation.  I edit the trend line label so that my 
numbers are displayed with 6 or more decimal places.

The values you desire are shown associated with the quadratic equation 
displayed on the chart.  I call these a,b, and c which are modified by the next 
process that will be given on a following post.

If there are questions please do not hesitate to post them as I will do my best 
to answer.

Once you apply this technique, you will be amazed at the closeness with which 
the theory follows the real world results.  On many tests, I find it difficult 
to detect an indication of the underlying transient curve that is many times 
greater than the noise surrounding the ideal response.





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