No arithmetic worked out in response to my second challenge.

A scattershot of a bunch "conspiracy" theories starting with a Mayan
prophesies in response to my second challenge to come up with "a"
(singular) URL to "a" (singular) "conspiracy" theory more plausible than my
theory, which is not "conspiratorial" unless you include routine government
classified work as "conspiratorial".

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 6:46 PM, ChemE Stewart <> wrote:

> Ok,
> The object was in a 2 body kepler orbit, formula on my site
> The 20' dia perfectly round hole in the lake with no object found was a
> nucleus with a bubble of condensed gas surrounding it. Last I read
> Authorities believe the round hole is a hoax because they cannot explain
> it, although they found fragments around the hole.
> The nucleus that struck the lake may have weighed much more than 10k tons.
>   Without  knowing the orbital path it is impossible to tell.
> Your answer:
> On Thursday, February 21, 2013, James Bowery wrote:
>> Completing the first part of my second challenge to ChemE for him the URL
>> to the relevant arithmetic is (presumably):
>> But you must then search for the subheading:
>> Typical Particle Orbit Calculations
>> The second part of my second challenge to ChemE awaits the application of
>> these equations to the phenomena of February 15, 2013.
>> My first challenge to ChemE, defying him to come up with a URL to an
>> "internet government conspiracy theory" that is more plausible than mine
>> remains unanswered even in part.
>> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 5:35 PM, ChemE Stewart <>wrote:
>> on the menu
>> My unfalsifiable claim regarding cold fusion is still aliens farting
>> through a wormhole, they are just playing with us.
>> On Thursday, February 21, 2013, James Bowery wrote:
>> The typical "internet government conspiracy theory" has to refer
>> technologies that are far from being widely acknowledged to be mundane
>> science and/or to programs that involve motives that are far from being
>> widely acknowledged as being legitimate.  I've made no such assumptions and
>> I defy you to come up with a URL to a theory that is more plausible.
>> On the other hand if you, at long last, have actually come up with
>> arithmetic, you might try not only providing a URL instead of merely
>> referring to some menu on some website, but applying that arithmetic in an
>> explanation of the observe phenomena.
>> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 5:15 PM, ChemE Stewart <>wrote:
>> Actually I have calcs now on the menu on my site.  I also show multi-body
>> problem formulas and calculations for the core of the Earth.  I have also
>> been tracking orbits for 2 months and predicting low pressure systems.  I
>> am building an orbital model through the Google Earth API and fitting it to
>> two Hurricane tracks from 2012.  Also have a provisional patent filed.
>> All you have is another government conspiracy theory I can find plastered
>> all over the Internet.
>> I have falsifiable claims, one being that double rainbows with a dark
>> band are thermodynamic and pull a vacuum and cool and condense water vapor.
>> On Thursday, February 21, 2013, James Bowery wrote:
>> Your don't have a theory, ChemE.  You have a lot of words and pictures at
>> a blog.  No arithmetic.  I've asked you for arithmetic repeatedly and you
>> refuse to be forthcoming.
>> Moreover, you pretend that I said nothing about classified information.
>> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 4:50 PM, ChemE Stewart <>wrote:
>> Wow, I thought my theory was strange.
>> I think our space tracking capabilities for high speed
>> celestial objects are woefully lacking and we are sitting ducks.  We have
>> civilians with HD video cams that are detecting these objects before the
>> governments.
>> On Thursday, February 21, 2013, James Bowery wrote:
>> OK so I'm going to go way out on a limb here and propose an explanation
>> for the "coincidence":
>> It has been known for decades that asteroidal resources are a potential
>> material resource bonanza and also potential kinetic weapons.  The fact
>> that it has taken until recently for private enterprise to enter the
>> picture<>
>>  should
>> not blind us to the fact that detailed plans for asteroid husbandry have
>> existed for decades and that the spy satellite technology, now being used
>> by private asteroid prospecting, as been in use by government agencies for
>> decades -- including the military.
>> We don't need to hypothesis exotic technologies to posit the potential
>> "black project" existence of asteroid husbandry technology that has enjoyed
>> a decades-long maturation period.  The technologies existed, in
>> unclassified form, as early as the Apollo program.  This is all that is
>> necessary to posit the "means" and "opportunity" (not the motive) for an
>> artificial "coincidence" between an earth-approaching asteroid and an
>> artificially controlled meteor:
>> If advanced spy satellite technology had been used to do asteroid
>> prospecting over the last few decades, it is easy to imagine a much greater
>> precision assay of earth approaching asteroids exists in the "black" than
>> is known -- or at least admittedly known -- by unclassified sources.  This
>> provides the "opportunity" in that it may have been known many years, pos

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