*Ed Storms said: I do not now believe the BEC plays any part in LENR.*

I agree with this. But the conditions that produce LENR make the formation
of BEC probable.

This BEC formation is not a necessary and sufficient condition to the
development of LENR, be if a BEC does form, it may enhance the reaction.

I also now question what professor George H. Miley saw in those cracks. He
says that the cavities held a deuteron BEC.

I don’t think he has done a definitive test to make a determination as

*The experiment would determine whether or not a BEC can indeed form inside
a metal at room-temperature. If a BEC forms, you can then measure the
velocity distribution of the deuterons with low-energy neutron scattering
or high-energy x-ray scattering off the deuterium in the metal, as was done
in the atomic case.

I am doing my annual LENR theory reformulation; ,,,throw out the old, ring
in the new…

My newly developing theory points to the possible but not necessary
development of a plexciton BEC.

Addressed to all and sundry, I have all the time in the world to explain my
theory so please ask me and leave Ed alone.

 Cheers:    Axil

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

> First of all, your question was not about my theory. It was about how I
> would expected a BEC would behave, which has no relationship to my theory
> Second, I explained to you why I did not answer your question and you
> replied with demanding arrogance.  In a discussion group, interaction with
> other people is voluntary and based on a pleasant and fruitful interaction.
> Third, when I say I do not BELIEVE BEC has a role, perhaps I can translate
> this belief into English you can accept. I have seen no evidence to support
> the claim. I have seen no plausible justification that a BEC based on
> hydrogen atoms can occur at room temperature. I have seen no evidence or
> explanation of how a BEC can produce results that are consistent with
> observations attributed to LENR. Are these statements clear?  These
> statements are based on my study and reading of all the evidence I can
> find.  I'm not interest in debating this information. I suggest you do this
> with people who care about a possible role for BEC.
> Fourth, your understanding of how lasers behave when applied to a solid
> material conflicts with what I have observed and shows a confidence on your
> part that has no justification. If you want an example of why I want no
> further discussion with you, simply look at the way you insist that only
> you understand this interaction.
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 4:58 PM, Kevin O'Malley wrote:
>  OK Kevin, I hurt your feelings. Sorry
>> ***I don't care about hurt feelings.  You can hurt my feelings every day
>>  next week and twice on Sunday if you'll answer the simple question.
>> You are asking a question that requires a great deal of my time to fully
>> answer.
>> ***I'm not asking for it to be fully answered.  That's why I'm asking at
>> the 40k foot high Inductive level of Occham's Razor.
>> If I leave a gap in my answer, other questions follow.
>> ***If you are not going to answer questions as they pertain to your
>> theory, then what are you doing?  Trolling for groupies?
>> I simply do not have the time to answer all questions.
>> ***You take the time to answer questions you like, and you don't take the
>> time to answer the questions you don't like.  I get it.  It aint very
>> scientific, but I get it.
>> Besides, I have also made my opinions about the role of BEC clear in the
>> past, so this idea is not of interest to me.
>> ***If it turns out to be the breakthrough, the idea will be of interest
>> to you.  And if you could find the silver bullet that destroys BECs as a
>> viable theory, you'd be interested.    Since we have neither of these, we
>> rely on inductive reasoning to move us forward and now you don't even want
>> to pursue inductive reasoning.   You seem to prefer to engage in
>> opinionation.   Now, admittedly, your opinion is worth more than mine due
>> to your 23 years of effort in this area.  But it just so happens that in
>> the case of laser cooling (which Dr. Chu got his Nobel Prize for in
>> creating BECs), you happened to be wrong as it pertained to LENR.  So it's
>> in the best interest of LENR science to close the loop on that line of
>> inquiry, if only at the 40k foot level.
>> I do not believe the BEC plays any part in LENR.
>> ***Science aint about belief.
>>>    Theoreticians take their ideas very personally and criticism, either
>>> implied or real, is not usually taken kindly.
>> ***It would appear to be the case.

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