Kevin, gefore suggesting explanations, a person must know something about how radiation and LENR behave. Your suggestion is not consistent with this knowledge. I know it is fun to speculate and I don't want to insult your interest, but describing the reasons why this suggestion is not correct would require too much time. I'm afraid you either need to take my word for this or undertake a study of how radiation and LENR actually behave. I describe the observed radiation in my book and the behavior of radiation as it passes through matter can be obtained from many text books about nuclear physics.

On Feb 20, 2013, at 1:35 PM, Kevin O'Malley wrote:

How about applying Occham's Razor? If these fusion events were happening on the surface at 10^11 times/sec, then there would likely -- likely, as in applying INDUCTIVE reasoning-- be far more radiation emitted because it would not be absorbed by the lattice. It seems that the absorption by the lattice necessitates a bunch of lattice to be between the event & the observer. That is consistent with BECs forming deep inside the lattice, with energetic emissions colliding with gaps in the lattice near the edges.

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Edmund Storms <> wrote: To make 1 watt of power using d+d=He, the fusion reaction has to happen at 10^11 times a second, which would produce radiation at this flux if it resulted from the process. The detected energetic radiation is frequently near 1 event/sec. This low level flux can also be explained by hot fusion being caused as cracks form. Of course, proof does not exist. The path to an explanation must be based on rational judgement and good guess at this time. The proof will come later if money is made available. Money will not come unless some good guesses are made and applied.


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