On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

> Kevin, gefore suggesting explanations, a person must know something about
> how radiation and LENR behave.
***Perhaps you should take it up with the owners of this list.  I got an A
in calculus-based Nuclear Physics when I was in college, so if you're
knocking out that much of a level of interest, you'll be removing most

> Your suggestion is not consistent with this knowledge.  I know it is fun
> to speculate and I don't want to insult your interest, but describing the
> reasons why this suggestion is not correct would require too much time.

***You have enough time for some of us to see how dismissive you are, and
you even have enough time to have been flat wrong about laser cooling with
respect to LENR.  But you don't have enough time to explain this little
aspect of your theory.  Got it.

>  I'm afraid you either need to take my word for this or undertake a study
> of how radiation and LENR actually behave.
***I doubt taking your word for it will be productive.

> I describe the observed radiation in my book and the behavior of radiation
> as it passes through matter can be obtained from many text books about
> nuclear physics.
***Sounds like Occham's Razor is too good for you.  Sorry to see you
rejecting my humble "small and imperfect description of a plausible part of
the process".

Maybe you just need a vacation.  Here's something you wrote in 2007:
*Reply to my message (11/24/07):
*  Theoreticians take their ideas very personally and criticism, either
implied or real, is not usually taken kindly. Criticizing theories that are
either wrong or not useful gets us nowhere. The only useful activity is
finding out from Nature what is actually happening, rather than making
assumptions about the process. I made my previous comments only because a
few people showed interest and because I object when theories are presented
as real and useful when they are obviously wrong. I have no problem when
people make efforts to understand the phenomenon with humility and an
acknowledgment that their efforts are only a small and imperfect
description of a plausible part of the process. Such an approach allows us
to work together to achieve a sincere understanding, rather than an ego
trip for a few people.

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