I don't think I have mentioned my
age or being old. Only that I am getting older and with it comes physical
limitations.For a while I was mistakenly given
only a short time to live due to nano powder complications.I have never said 
lack of notice is
unfair. It is very fair. Most of the significant work is done by those who go
un-noticed.  I still don’t know why you
try to read into everyone’s motives and statements fame and money. 

I will leave monitoring army’s to
others. And yes, I prefer isolation and doing things not as others direct but
to follow my own dreams. (I normally come out every now and then (usually 3-4
years for ICCF meetings).

I fully disclosed my calorimeter to
NRL - and it does include such trival things as you mention. Although I did opt
for water blocks instead of liquid water envelopes. They are more stable and
reliable and avoid some other problems. I also have internal metal walls to
decrease the problems of location of heat sources within the device (those are
often overlooked or hand waved away). It also avoided air mixing problems by
metal beads/powder.. and my room even boosts mu metal and copper screen cages,
nested constant temp cabinets, chambers, room....

I think that it was used in part for
the NRL lab design and should be in public domain out there somewhere. But I
have said that to you before. How about trying to understand?

I still think a good standalone with
thermoelectric chip and a load is OK. I will leave it to you to worry about
temperature controls, weighing, EM screening and what color to paint the box. I
think you jump to quickly to conclusions as you did from a draft sketch of
George's device. I prefer to avoid being judgmental until I have more facts. 

I tried and tried to make Ni H gas
work with just temperature and not stimulation and I was unsuccessful. I have
not been to Rossi's lab or even talked to him so I am not in a position to

Again all experiments do not have to
prove LENR or go to high powers. It can be still a good experiment or endeavor
to simply learn something new or even try something new. 

DennisDate: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 14:43:39 -0500
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Miley Arpa-E startup project reloaded! vote for for 10 days.. 
hurry up
From: jedrothw...@gmail.com
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com

DJ Cravens <djcrav...@hotmail.com> wrote:
Jed -interesting comment- As I have
told you before I have a seebeck that is roughly 8 times as sensitive (based on
V/watts) as Ed's and was made for a series of NRL experiments.
That would be okay. But I think people might appreciate an instrument 
constructed and confirmed by someone else.

   But you seem to keep harping on that and your money connections.

YOU keep harping on how old you are and how you can't pick up heavy equipment, 
and how unfair it is that people have not given you credit. You could have an 
army of grad students to do the (literal) heavy lifting.

You can have credit, fame, and funding, or you can have your present noble, 
pure-hearted isolation from filthy lucre. But you can't have it both ways.
Again you seem stuck in the:
everyone's experiments should be done to prove the reality of CF and not to
gather info for future applications.
You need to prove the reality of your claim, not the reality of CF. You need to 
do this for pragmatic reasons if you want to accomplish anything. I do not 
think you are not going to succeed on a shoestring. You have not made much 
progress lately as far as I can tell. You were talking about 1 W reactions many 
years ago.

You may wish to know that a seebeck is nothing but a bunch of thermoelectric 
chips and a volt meter (of no real load).

Nothing but? No, not in my opinion. A properly designed Seebeck is a lot more 
than that. It is also a stable background (perhaps with a water envelope), good 
internal geometry, proven ability to move the sample around without affecting 
the output much, well stirred internal air, and carefully selected 
thermoelectric chips that do not drift and that respond in a linear fashion. It 
is also carefully and repeatedly calibrated before and after the test, with all 
the data published so we can have confidence in it.

If you have something like that you will impress your audience.
- Jed

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