As I said, there is no mechanism for thermalization if the main source of
radiation is x -ray around 1keV. Just check any cross section for
absorption in metals and even air, and you shouldn't worry. It doesn't even
penetrate more than 10micrometers in the skin. It's the easiest wave length
to block and make it responsible for the mystery of lack of apparent
radiation in cold fusion.

2013/4/6 Axil Axil <>

> The horse will never drink muddy water…  You know...The pot calling the
> kettle black.  How can a true believer i the Hydrino theory of the world
> make such a judgment?  As for “and muddy thinking will not suffice in
> science.”   A quote from Peter 
> Hagelstein<>about 
> the danger of closed minds in science:
> “It's(LENR) not going to happen anytime soon, most likely. For example
> the physicist who was one of the organisers of the May 1st Baltimore
> session in 1989 that debunked cold fusion was a fellow by the name of Steve
> Koonin. [He] was recently appointed to be under-secretary in charge of
> research at the Department of Energy. As a result, basically part of his
> success and part of his reputation was made based on killing cold fusion.
> He's now in a position of responsibility for research at the DoE, you can
> imagine what kind of difficulties that leads to in terms of trying to move
> cold fusion research to the point where you get funding, or you try to
> remove the taint from it. The folks that debunked cold fusion in 1989, many
> of them have profited by their actions, and we will  likely continue to pay
> for that for years to come.”  You know again...The pot calling the kettle
> black.
>  "The explanation offered violates conservation of momentum and is
> obviously false."
>  Conservation laws are not always conserved on the subatomic scale.
>   "The paper cited does not mention gammas, requires cryogenic
> temperatures near absolute zero, and in point of  fact - the effect would
> be complexly destroyed by gamma radiation and has no applicability to gamma
> shielding."
> requires cryogenic temperatures near absolute zero?   The reference does
> not say this, I know I read the article.  The article says
>  This makes exciton polaritons very attractive in the sense that they are
> a high temperature quantum fluid.
> 300K is the high temperature sited
> see
> other references say the temperature can range as high as 2600K
>  I will connect the dots in painful detail because the process is a
> complex one for those who require a cool drink. But you deserve the effort
> needed to get you to the sparkling purity of that satisfying drink of water.
> On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:
>>  The horse will never drink muddy water, and muddy thinking will not
>> suffice in science.****
>> ** **
>> The explanation offered violates conservation of momentum and is
>> obviously false.****
>> ** **
>> The paper cited does not mention gammas, requires cryogenic temperatures
>> near absolute zero, and in point of  fact - the effect would be complexly
>> destroyed by gamma radiation and has no applicability to gamma shielding.
>> ****
>> ** **
>> End of story.****
>> ** **
>> *From:* Axil Axil ****
>> For all those who are interested in how gamma radiation is thermalized in
>> hundreds of millions of microvolt thermal quanta, here is a quantum
>> mechanical paper which contains a lot of words describing how the
>> conditions for thermalization occurs out of the blue.****
>> This finding is consistent with the long sought after physical
>> manifestation of the model called the 'Spin-Boson Model' required to
>> thermalize gammas.****
>> My good fellows, when the answer is handed to you on a plate, look into
>> it!****
>> But unfortunately we all know “You can take a horse to water but you
>> can’t make him drink.”****
>>  Coherent Oscillations in an Exciton-Polariton Josephson Junction ****
>> Cheers:   Axil****

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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