If two BEC’s are close together, they will sync up through tunneling no
matter what the temperature of the substrate is.

This is a property of the BEC and not temperature.

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/02/bose-einstein-condensate-created-at-room-temperature/
> *Bose-Einstein condensate created at room temperature*
> the electronic properties of the material itself replaced the need for
> cooling, allowing the quasiparticles to gather and condense into a BEC. The
> experimenters confirmed this effect by detecting the telltale light
> emission.
> This experiment marked the first room-temperature BEC ever observed in the
> laboratory. While the authors didn't suggest any practical application, the
> potential for studying BECs directly is obvious. Without the need for
> cryogenic temperatures or the sorts of optical and magnetic traps that
> accompany atomic BECs, many aspects of Bose-Einstein condensation can
> potentially be probed far less expensively than before.
> On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
>> Axil,
>> LOL - once again - you have perfectly illustrated the fact that you do not
>> understand how to read scientific papers, since what you posted actually
>> contradicts the point you want to make. You have done this over and over
>> again. A superfluid, even if it had been seen at room-temperature - is
>> not a
>> BJJ which still only occurs at ultracold.
>> Apparently you want us to conflate two quantum phenomena in hopes of
>> proving
>> an unrelated capability. But sorry, these two are not the same.
>>                 From: Axil Axil
>>                 Seeing macroscopic quantum states directly remains an
>> elusive
>>                 goal. Particles with boson symmetry can condense into
>> quantum
>>                 fluids, producing rich physical phenomena as well as
>>                 proven potential for interferometric devices1-10. However,
>>                 direct imaging of such quantum states is only fleetingly
>> possible
>>                 in high-vacuum ultracold atomic condensates, and not
>>                 in superconductors. Recent condensation of solid-state
>> polariton
>>                 quasiparticles, built from mixing semiconductor excitons
>>                 with microcavity photons, offers monolithic devices
>> capable
>>                 of supporting room-temperature quantum states that exhibit
>>                 superfluid behavior.
>>                 But you failed to read the important fact: this is
>> superfluidity - and speculative, and these are still condensates and so
>> they
>> have gone from ultracold gases to condensates, which are very cold but not
>> absolute zero ! Amazing that you cite this when it illustrates another
>> point
>> than the one you want to make. A superfluid is not a BJJ and a superfluid
>> cannot thermalize gammas in any event.
>>                 And you do the very same thing with PH
>>                 "Anyway, that's sort of the essence of the model that
>> we've
>> been studying. It's been a tough physics problem for a lot of reasons,
>> recently we've had some luck in obtaining analytical and numerical results
>> on these models, so that we can quantify them. We're actually able, these
>> days now, suppose you want to start out with a 23 MeV quantum, and chop it
>> up into 50 meV quanta, how long does it take to do that? How many nuclei
>> do
>> you need to do it? How much excitation do you need to do it? We can ask
>> these questions of these models, and the models can give us quantative
>> answers. As a result, within the framework of these models we can begin to
>> develop answers to some of these questions.
>>                 For example, it's pretty sure from these models that you
>> don't go directly from a 24 MeV quantum down to the optical phonons. What
>> you'd prefer to do is to downshift from 24 MeV to some sort of
>> intermediary
>> stopping point, maybe 2.25 MeV or so, and then try to downshift to the
>> optical phonon loads. The models say that that works vastly better than
>> starting with a larger energy quantum. Anyway, those are the kinds of
>> things
>> that the basic model does."
>> But sorry Axil, P.H. NEVER says that there is a gamma emission, which is
>> what you have been implying.
>> Do you really not understand the difference between gamma radiation and 50
>> meV quanta?
>>                 Jones Beene wrote:
>>                 Axil,
>>                 Analog or not - the BJJ only occurs in ultracold gases -
>> even colder than the JJ.
>>                 Do you never read the papers you cite? Where is your
>> reference to any BJJ at the operating temperature of LENR?
>>                 And PLEASE do not misquote Hagelstein again. He is not
>> claiming gammas are captured by phonons, which would support your lame
>> theory, but instead that gammas are NOT emitted and the energy coupling is
>> direct to phonons. This is completely contrary to a theory where gammas
>> are
>> emitted and then captured.
>>                 Anyone else you would like to misquote today?
>>                                 From: Axil
>>                                 Remember:
>>                                 1)    A Josephson junction (JJ) is an
>> effect
>> of superconductor and of nano-layering to form the junction
>>                                 2)    The highest temperature
>> superconductor
>> operates at minus ~150 C.
>>                                 3)    A Josephson junction requires lower
>> temperature than the superconductor
>>                                 From the reference:
>>                                 "A bosonic analog is the so called Bosonic
>> Josephson junction (BJJ) where two macroscopic populations of bosons are
>> trapped in a double well geometry."
>>                                 Note the word "analog". This word means
>> that
>> the BJJ is not a Josephson junction as found in a cold superconductor, it
>> is
>> an ANALOG that just behaves like a Josephson junction.

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