
LOL - once again - you have perfectly illustrated the fact that you do not
understand how to read scientific papers, since what you posted actually
contradicts the point you want to make. You have done this over and over
again. A superfluid, even if it had been seen at room-temperature - is not a
BJJ which still only occurs at ultracold.

Apparently you want us to conflate two quantum phenomena in hopes of proving
an unrelated capability. But sorry, these two are not the same.

                From: Axil Axil 
                Seeing macroscopic quantum states directly remains an
                goal. Particles with boson symmetry can condense into
                fluids, producing rich physical phenomena as well as
                proven potential for interferometric devices1-10. However,
                direct imaging of such quantum states is only fleetingly
                in high-vacuum ultracold atomic condensates, and not
                in superconductors. Recent condensation of solid-state
                quasiparticles, built from mixing semiconductor excitons
                with microcavity photons, offers monolithic devices capable
                of supporting room-temperature quantum states that exhibit
                superfluid behavior.

                But you failed to read the important fact: this is
superfluidity - and speculative, and these are still condensates and so they
have gone from ultracold gases to condensates, which are very cold but not
absolute zero ! Amazing that you cite this when it illustrates another point
than the one you want to make. A superfluid is not a BJJ and a superfluid
cannot thermalize gammas in any event.
                And you do the very same thing with PH
                "Anyway, that's sort of the essence of the model that we've
been studying. It's been a tough physics problem for a lot of reasons,
recently we've had some luck in obtaining analytical and numerical results
on these models, so that we can quantify them. We're actually able, these
days now, suppose you want to start out with a 23 MeV quantum, and chop it
up into 50 meV quanta, how long does it take to do that? How many nuclei do
you need to do it? How much excitation do you need to do it? We can ask
these questions of these models, and the models can give us quantative
answers. As a result, within the framework of these models we can begin to
develop answers to some of these questions.
                For example, it's pretty sure from these models that you
don't go directly from a 24 MeV quantum down to the optical phonons. What
you'd prefer to do is to downshift from 24 MeV to some sort of intermediary
stopping point, maybe 2.25 MeV or so, and then try to downshift to the
optical phonon loads. The models say that that works vastly better than
starting with a larger energy quantum. Anyway, those are the kinds of things
that the basic model does."
But sorry Axil, P.H. NEVER says that there is a gamma emission, which is
what you have been implying. 
Do you really not understand the difference between gamma radiation and 50
meV quanta?
                Jones Beene wrote:
                Analog or not - the BJJ only occurs in ultracold gases -
even colder than the JJ. 
                Do you never read the papers you cite? Where is your
reference to any BJJ at the operating temperature of LENR? 
                And PLEASE do not misquote Hagelstein again. He is not
claiming gammas are captured by phonons, which would support your lame
theory, but instead that gammas are NOT emitted and the energy coupling is
direct to phonons. This is completely contrary to a theory where gammas are
emitted and then captured.
                Anyone else you would like to misquote today?
                                From: Axil  
                                1)    A Josephson junction (JJ) is an effect
of superconductor and of nano-layering to form the junction
                                2)    The highest temperature superconductor
operates at minus ~150 C.
                                3)    A Josephson junction requires lower
temperature than the superconductor
                                From the reference:
                                "A bosonic analog is the so called Bosonic
Josephson junction (BJJ) where two macroscopic populations of bosons are
trapped in a double well geometry."
                                Note the word "analog". This word means that
the BJJ is not a Josephson junction as found in a cold superconductor, it is
an ANALOG that just behaves like a Josephson junction. 

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