Further to the thread about gammas, here are these "money" quotes from the
PDF by Lichtenberg concerning the reaction in Rossi's devices:

About the LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) within the ECAT systems:
>    - the details of the LENR processes are still not yet known
>    - the formerly assumed main reaction, i.e. the transmutation from
>    nickel into copper, seems to be only a side effect which does not yield
>    significant amounts of energy
>    - transmutations from nickel into other nickel isotopes and iron were
>    also reported / detected 4
>    - a participant did remark that the measured gamma radiation indicates
>    that a transmutation from hydrogen into helium takes place. This comment
>    was appreciated by Andrea Rossi but he did not confirm the actual presence
>    of this process
> I now take the precaution of pointing out I am just relaying the
information in the PDF and make no suggestions about the credibility of the
author or the claims, lest this become a point of confusion for some. :)

In the PDF, there is a claim that even for the Hot Cat, the COP is 6.  In
light of Jed's complaints about the inapplicability of COP to a LENR
device, I'm curious how they are deriving this number, assuming for the
moment that everything is being reported in good faith.

One detail I like in the bullet points is the last one, about helium.  I
suspect that is the d+p → 3He variety.  Note also that transmutations are
reported to be a side phenomenon. In a just world, I think the Nobel Prize
would be split between Rossi, the dogged and determined LENR researchers,
Ron Maimon, and Robin, for applying Maimon's theory to nickel.  Robin would
only get a token amount, though, because he didn't really think it was


On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 9:11 AM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:


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