Mark Gibbs <> wrote:

I know, I know ... I'm being harsh but this report smacks of boosterism
> more than anything else . . .

I see your point. This report from Lichtenberg is nothing to write home
about. I thought you were saying that Rossi himself is not kind, competent
or reputable. I would say he is two out of three.

I agree this report is somewhat pointless. So is the recent statement by
Defkalion. As I said, it mainly says "the energy market is large."

> and, as such, merely makes the field of LENR even more hype-ridden.

Are you sure LENR is hype-ridden? Compared to what? I have often heard this
from you and from various critics. I do not see much evidence for it. Most
of the papers I read are carefully hedged and scientific. People often
point to the 1989 press conference by F&P as unreasonably hyped. I have
seen it often. It was very careful and sober. Everything they claimed then
was soon confirmed by well over 100 major labs.

In my opinion, mainstream research such as plasma fusion and cancer
research is far more hype-ridden than cold fusion.

The only hype I have seen in this field are the unreasonable, ignorant
claims of opponents at *Nature*, the *New Scientist*, the *Washington Post*,
the APS and elsewhere that cold fusion researchers are "Branch Davidian
lunatics," criminals and so on.

If Rossi's claims are ever fully substantiated, no one will say they were
"hype" or exaggerated. Other than Krivit, I have not spoken with anyone who
is familiar with his work, and who has actually seen and tested the
devices, who thinks he is exaggerating, or lying about the performance. If
anything, Rossi has understated the impact of his discovery. That is true
of mainstream cold fusion as well, as I showed in my book.

- Jed

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