Somehow that went straight to Analog -- copying the list.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eric Walker <>
Date: Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Yildiz motor in Geneva -- ran 5.5 hours then broke down
To: Analog Fan <>

Hi Analog,

Thanks for the informative history.

How could anyone be surprised that there is negativity towards Sterling's
> capers?

His capers seem harmless.  Anyone who reads his articles immediately gets a
sense of the conceptual framework he uses to assess the things he's looking
into.  Often, reading between the lines, you can find some really
interesting tidbits, as with his recent writeup of his visit to Defkalion.
 Raising 4000 dollars to report in his manner on a questionable product in
Africa does not seem to be a big a deal.  If he were a cunning man, who
seemed to be effective at defrauding people, I think such concerns would be
more on the mark.  But he seems well-intentioned, he's providing a service
and he's not moving large amounts of money around.


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