At 11:34 AM 4/13/2013, Jones Beene wrote:
I have not heard anything negative so far on Dr. Duarte, who is employed at
a fairly prestigious University and has his own reputation on the line.

You will see in the many videos I've posted that Assistant Professor Jorge Duarte from the University of Eindhoven in The Netherlands is a staunch supporter of the motor. He appears not as an independent scientist but as an advocate from the team, which is more the role he is comfortable with. He told us a couple of nights ago, "It is not a matter of belief for me. It is knowledge. There is no doubt. I've seen inside."

The 5.5 hour run stands on its own as some kind of anomaly, does it not?

As a black box, with a (say) 50W prop, it's interesting -- but way short of convincing. (But coupled with the other demos, dismantling it in public -- Delft) I think it's way above "pure scam" and merits further evaluation.

In general I've been happy with Sterling's visits (I put up a small amount for this trip). I just wish he wouldn't accept gifts (other than meals and local hospitality). He investigates everything, but he's quite quick to call "not working" or even "scam" (an in Rossi's case, to go from scam to promising).

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