<mix...@bigpond.com> wrote:

> I don't understand why they didn't just use a different technology e.g.
> NiMH.
> That battery would have less capacity, but who cares if it's constantly
> being
> recharged by the main generators?

They need a certain capacity. As I recall, this an emergency battery backup
for the controls. To give it the same capacity with NiMH they would have to
make a larger, heavier battery pack. I don't think that would be an issue
now, because the thing is small and they would not lose much payload, but
it would be a major redesign and it might take a long time for approval.

Batteries are a nightmare. I used to have no end of trouble with them back
in the days of mainframes, minicomputers and big telephone switches. They
would switch in too slowly.

- Jed

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