It is a waste of energy to be against scientific investigation no matter how 
you perceive the chance of success.  It is a sign of the times, just like Parks 
book "Voodoo Science".  It smacks of Dogma and Religious belief and the lack of 
openmindedness.  Go get a life.

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On May 8, 2013, at 10:03 AM, Joshua Cude <> wrote:

> On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Randy wuller <> wrote:
>>   What he can't explain is why anyone would run around the internet trying 
>> to stop people from investigating a phenomenon. 
> I think cold fusion is a pipe dream, and I like people to agree with me. You 
> can't seriously be unaware that all manner of trivial subjects are argued 
> with equal or greater passion on the internet. The simple truth is that good 
> argument can be invigorating.
>> It makes no sense and is probably a symptom of the very negative period (I 
>> would describe it as the age of pessimism) we find ourselves living through. 
> Other than in the field of cold fusion, progress in science has continues 
> apace. Shechtman (who should be sensitive to inertia in science because his 
> discovery of quasicrystals was ridiculed by Pauling) identified 3 surprising 
> discoveries on the structure of matter in the 80s: quasi-crystals, 
> fullerenes, and high temperature superconductivity. Conspicuously absent: 
> cold fusion, which would be the most surprising of all.
>> When the pendulum shifts
> pendulums swing, they don't shift
>> and we enter an optimistic age, everything will seem possible and as such 
>> being for something will be much more productive (it always is) than being 
>> against something. 
> Everything? It will be much more productive to be for perpetual motion 
> research?
>> You will find a lot less Cude's running around, thank goodness.
> I don't know. Skepticism of cold fusion seems to pretty common among the very 
> best physicists. What has a cold fusion true believer done for the world 
> lately?
>> Personally, while he is obviously bright, Cude's position is just about the 
>> dumbest fool thing I have ever read.
> But shared by a lot of smart people like Gell-Mann.
>> In answer to your question, of course we should investigate a phenomenon of 
>> the significance of Cold Fusion even if the chance of it being real is 
>> miniscule.
> Our main difference is in the magnitude assigned to miniscule. 
>>   I also think it is absurd to believe we have an adequate understanding of 
>> physics today to rule it out.
> There is a reason lawyers are not consulted about the adequacy of current 
> physics understanding.

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