Many people have visited my lab, Eugen. As for checking results, this can only be done after the data are made available in a paper, which I have done. Simply seeing a device making what is claimed to be energy is a useless experience. The device is complex and not easy to analyze simply by looking. The only evidence that is visible are lines on a computer screen. As for reproducing the effect, I and other people have published papers suggesting ways this can be done. Have you taken the time to read my book? Many of your questions are answered there.

Ed Storms
On May 8, 2013, at 12:43 AM, Eugen Leitl wrote:

On Tue, May 07, 2013 at 12:24:43PM -0600, Edmund Storms wrote:

As for concentrating on problems of reproducibility and
upscalability, I have tried to address these issues but with little

Ed, since you claim you have running experiments with anomalous
heat in your home lab, have you ever tried inviting other
investigators to check your results, and make them reproduce
in their own experiments?

If yes, what was the result?

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