On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 1:14 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> Of course, that is why science demands replication. No two scientists will
> likely make the same mistake.

I submit all the scientists claiming dowsing, homeopathy, magnet motors,
are making the same mistakes. For a century, all the scientists were
certain electromagnetic evidence indicated the existence of an ether.

> As a result, the behavior, if repeated many times, becomes real.

So, we can engineer nature, just by making mistakes?

>  That threshold has been passed by cold fusion.

That's your view, but believers have not been able to get the rest of the
world to accept it.

> Now the challenge is to do studies that show why and how it works.
> Unfortunately, this takes money - money that the likes of Cude prevent from
> being applied.  If a definition of crime against humanity is needed, this
> behavior would qualify.
Good thing true believers don't make the laws. If cold fusion funding can
be affected by mere argument in obscure internet forums, then the evidence
is just too feeble. And for an extraordinary claim, feeble evidence that
stays feeble, suggests it's almost certainly false.

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