On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 8:42 AM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would not call Cude "articulate."

How could you. You said yourself, you don't read what I write. It would be
presumptuous to give an opinion about something you haven't read.

> As McKubre often says, I could do a better job as a cold fusion skeptic
> than any of the skeptics.

It's a pity he (or you) can't do a better job as a cold fusion advocate.
Because the mainstream does not believe cold fusion is real. So the
skeptics are doing a pretty good job. If McKubre (or you) can do a better
job as skeptics, then that just means the mainstream would be even more
convinced. I'm not sure how this helps your case.

I know of actual weaknesses in the experiments, whereas Cude makes up
> stuff, reiterates assertions that was proved wrong in 1990, and refuses to
> address substantive technical issues such as McKubre's Fig. 1.

I've not made anything up, anything I've reiterated has not been proved
wrong to anyone's satisfaction except a small band of true believers, and I
addressed the loading correlation twice, but how would you know, since you
don't actually read what I write.

> I do not think Cude is a credit to the hardcore skeptics. But then, I do
> not know anyone else who is. This is like expecting someone to be a
> credible spokesperson for the Flat Earth Society.

You've got this backward. The flat earth society rejects the mainstream
view, just like cold fusion true believers.

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