I wrote:

but dessert - you need some meat and potatoes in the form of
>> articulate skeptics.
> If you think there is merit to a skeptical point of view, why don't you
> write about it?

I would not call Cude "articulate." As McKubre often says, I could do a
better job as a cold fusion skeptic than any of the skeptics. I know of
actual weaknesses in the experiments, whereas Cude makes up stuff,
reiterates assertions that was proved wrong in 1990, and refuses to address
substantive technical issues such as McKubre's Fig. 1. Where are the meat
and potatoes?

I do not think Cude is a credit to the hardcore skeptics. But then, I do
not know anyone else who is. This is like expecting someone to be a
credible spokesperson for the Flat Earth Society. Vorl Bek should take a
crack at justifying this point of view if he thinks it has any merit.

- Jed

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