On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 12:32 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <zeropo...@charter.net>wrote:

You left out the more important part of my posting:
> “And JC is WELL aware of this, yet asks the question as to why they used
> 3-phase power in their tests… the second test was SINGLE phase power, so *
> *JC is misleading people**…”

We should try not to let this get personal.  I've seen no reason to think
anyone here is intentionally misleading anyone.  People may be playing
devil's advocates at times, but that's different.  I assume that is how
physicsts work.  All of this is readily explainable as a culture clash
between physicists and engineers.  Engineers are reasonable,
and physicists are unreasonable and play devil's advocate.  That's
sufficient explanation for me.

We should appreciate the additional prodding we're getting to get our facts
straight.  I didn't read closely enough to catch on to the single-phase
power in the March 2013 test.  I assume the same is the case for Joshua.
 This is the most straightforward explanation.  The only question for me is
whether the physicist types are getting on everyone's nerves (I have no
idea if they're actually physicists; perhaps they are just similarly
unreasonable).  I'm fine with them being unreasonable, but other people may


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