LENR complies with all know physical laws. The problem is that few
scientists have a background in this new branch of science. Nanoplasmonics
produces about 2000 papers a year; the people that can produce that number
of papers are estimated to be no more than 1000 worldwide.

Please attend the two upcoming LENR events this summer, one in July and one
in August. These visits will either confirm or undermine the LENR
technology as shown by DGT.

The hits on your web site will climb through the roof.

I will be interested in reading your comprehensive accounts of the goings
on at these two events.

Don’t get your information second hand. Your unbiased journalistic
credibility needs first hand witness to these amazing and historic events.

Your eyewitness accounts will be told and retold down through history unto
the latest generation.

Wouldn’t you have liked to record the events unfolding in Independence Hall
on July 4 1776, or the first flight of the airplane?  Well this opportunity
is bigger yet.

Don't leave this golden momentous opportunity solely to Sterling D. Allan
of Pure Energy Systems. The more and varied perspectives that come out of
this historic period, the better that history will be served.


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 4:59 PM, Mark Gibbs <mgi...@gibbs.com> wrote:

> On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Cude has waved his hands and said there might be a method of deception
>> that he has not thought of yet. As I have often pointed out, such
>> assertions cannot be tested or falsified. There might be an error in Ohm's
>> law we have not yet discovered, but until you specify what that error
>> actually is, you have no basis for arguing that law may be wrong.
> Ah, so it's OK to argue that Cude is, in effect, hand-waving away Ohm's
> law and that's indefensible because that law is accepted but it's not OK to
> argue that Carat's dismissal of conventional physics as being wrong about
> LENR is also hand waving?
> [m]

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