Cude wrote:

> The simple fact is that the measurements made and reported are woefully
>> inadequate to exclude deception.
That is not a simple fact. It is an imaginary fact, like all of Cude's
statements about McKubre. He says things and then assumes they are correct,
but saying does not make it so.

Science would be a lot easier and more fun if the Cude method worked, and
we just make stuff up and have it magically be true. I, for one, would
simply assert that cold fusion powered cars are everywhere, and if Cude
would only step outside and look at one, he would see I am right. So
convincing! So clean, clear cut, so obvious! It is a shame I am constrained
by boring facts and graphs, and I can only point to things like calorimetry
and the laws of thermodynamics to make my case.

- Jed

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