On Thursday June 6th Harry said 

Ok, I realise why we diverge in our approaches to your model. I don't start

with the assumption that the lattice is in a state of thermal equilibrium.

I assume the presence of thermal fluxes and perhaps other energy fluxes

as well which can do small amounts of work on the hydrotons. If these local

fluxes are sporadic excess heat production will be sporadic as well.


Harry, I share your position and think this is also due to the quantum
effect of the geometry. I think the suppression concentrated in the NAE must
be balanced by a "diluted" region outside the cavity walls that responsible
for this "segregation" of vacuum pressure. although vacuum wavelengths
appear much shorter inside a cavity they must, IMHO, appear slightly longer
spread over the atoms behind the cavity to avoid a COE violation..you aren't
getting something for nothing..the geometry is simply segregating pressure
like Chicago city scape separates wind. This by itself won't give us any
source of energy since it is just a hill to run up and roll down but there
has always been an energy source associated with gas motion.. you have
temperature which will fall when harnessed and then you also have HUP which
keeps helium from freezing solid even at 0 kelvin that can never be
exhausted.  We are told HUP which is responsible for the random motion of
gas is unusable energy that can't be considered under conservation of energy
-They say a Maxwellian demon to separate hot from cold is impossible to
implement at OU. I disagree, I think the NAE pits different forces of nature
against each other to create heat and cold via a back door method. You have
physical confinement and axial alignment of H2, you have supplied ambient
heat forcing motion to initiate the process, You have Ed's energy sink due
to opposing charges on either side of the cavity where resonance causes the
nucleus to emit energy as photons, or, my model of near disassociation f/h
molecules getting the threshold discounted by the force trying to change the
fractional value which only gives of a single photon upon reassociatio at
the new f/h level.. Granted both forces go back to the same initial
source..virtual particle pairs but they are on vastly different scales where
one is very fast comparable to ac current moving gas atoms while the other
is a locally accumulated pressure - a small gravity hill with a concentrated
peak in the cavity and a wide valley extending out from the cavity walls
that segregates the pressure we consider isotropic out here in the macro
world. Anomalous cooling and retarded radioactive decay of gases  are harder
to detect but have both been reported..just not as concentrated or as
frequently as anomalous heat and accelerated decay. My posit is that beyond
diffusion the random motion of gas is harnessed to keep Ed's hydrotron
resonanting or pushing my near disassociation f/h over the threshold so it
can form another molecule. 


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