Dear Dr. Storms,

Yours is a fascinating theory, but I don't understand the mechanism you
propose of "slowly reducing the Coulomb barrier" by photon emissions from
the nucleus.

The Coulomb barrier, as I understand it, is the proton-proton electric
field repulsion between the hydron elements of the Hydroton molecule.  Each
proton has a unit quantized positive charge, so I presume the coulomb
barrier reduction is not coming from reduction in the charge of the proton
(you are not proposing fractionating the unit charge, or are you?).  I
gather the electron orbitals in the Hydroton are screening the charge on
the neighboring protons.  If the Coulomb barrier is being reduced, I can
imagine screening of the charge of the protons by a change in electron
orbitals.  This is now sounding a little like Mills-ian fractional Rydberg
change in the orbital, allowing the electron wave function to shrink closer
to the proton which provides a screening until protons are closer together.
 Perhaps the electron orbital becomes squashed like a disk where it orbits
very closely along the hydroton axis around the proton and extends way out
into the walls of the NAE crack.  However, if this were the case, then the
photons corresponding to the Coulomb barrier reduction would be coming from
orbital transitions of the electron and not from the nucleus.

Are you instead suggesting some kind of proton valence quark oscillation
that would make the proton appear like a neutron for some fraction of the
time? (A naive guess on my part I am sure.)

Can you provide additional insight into your proposition?

Bob Higgins

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 11:37 AM, Edmund Storms <>wrote:

> As this mass-energy is reduced, the Coulomb barrier is lowered further,
> permitting the two nuclei to get closer at each cycle. Once the nuclei
> fuse, the Hydroton ceases to exist and instead nuclei of D are present if
> the original nuclei in the Hydroton were H, the final nuclei is He if D
> made the Hydroton, and the final nuclei is tritium if H+D were in the
> Hydroton.  The He diffuses away while the tritium and D can enter other
> Hydrotons that continuously form. This is a contineous process limited ONLY
> by how fast the hydrogen isotopes can get into the gap.
> No, the Coulomb barrier is slowly reduced in height as mass-energy is
> lost, thereby allowing the nuclei to get closer each time the cycle
> repeats.  Finally, the Coulomb barrier disappears and the two nuclei fuse,
> but very little excess mass-energy is present when this happens.
> Consequently, when the electron is absorbed, the resulting neutrino has
> very little energy to carry away.

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